The performance report displays the performance of your whole company, specific departments, or specific support agents. It is logging various actions performed by customers, agents, or the system itself. The performance report is available in Reports > Performance report.

List of available performance report columns

Some of the columns are available just in global metrics, not in the agent-specific performance report, or are not subject to a custom filter based on an agent. For more information, check this article.

Tickets-related columns

Answers - number of individual messages sent out from LiveAgent, either directly sent by agents or triggered by agents via rules action "send answer to all ticket participants" (e.g. rule to send answer when tag is added and tag was added by agent). It includes creation of new tickets and replies on tickets created from all sources (email, contact form, social networks, forum post, etc.), but it does not include messages sent during live chat, sent email notifications, or sent slack messages via rules.

Notes - number of notes added by agents, counted also when a new internal ticket is created. Does not include notes added by the system.

New answer avg time - average time taken to reply to tickets with "New" status, so basically the average time it takes to change the ticket status from "New" to "Answered".

New answer avg time SLA - the same average time as the above "New answer avg time", but this time is computed only within business hours set up for SLA levels that are attributed to tickets.

First Assign avg time - average time taken to assign tickets to any agent for the first time.

First Assign avg time SLA - the same time as the above "First Assign avg time", but this time is computed only within business hours set up for SLA levels that are attributed to tickets.

First Resolve avg time - average time taken to resolve tickets for the first time, so basically the average time it takes to change the ticket status from any status to "Resolved".

First Resolve avg time SLA - the same time as the above "First Resolve avg time", but this time is computed only within business hours set up for SLA levels that are attributed to tickets.

Open answer avg time - average time taken to reply to tickets with "Open" status, so basically the average time it takes to change the ticket status from "Open" to "Answered".

Open answer avg time SLA - the same average time as the above "Open answer avg time", but this time is computed only within business hours set up for SLA levels that are attributed to tickets.

Created tickets - number of new tickets created from any source (email, contact form, social networks, forum posts, etc.) either by customers or agents.

Resolved tickets - number of "Resolve" actions performed on tickets either by agents or by the system. A single ticket can be resolved multiple times.

Incoming messages - number of incoming messages from any source (email, contact form, social networks, forum posts, etc.) received in LiveAgent, sent by customers. Emails sent from any agent's email address are not counted as "Incoming messages" but as "Answers".

Chats-related columns

Despite it is possible to chat during calls started via a call us button or video call, chat-related statistics are not counted for such chats.

Chat messages - number of individual chat messages sent by agents to customers in live chats, including the automatic welcome message set up in chat buttons' settings. Does not include chat messages added by the system via automatic rules.

Chats - number of chats that agents joined by picking up a ringing chat request, joining an ongoing chat, or even starting a chat directly from the Chats overview/Online visitors section. The number of "Chats" increases for every agent who joined a chat, where a single chat can be joined by multiple agents, or a single agent can join and leave a single chat multiple times.
As an example let's take Agent A chatting with the customer. Agent A isn't sure about the answer so he asks colleague Agent B to join the chat. This single chat would be counted twice in statistics, once for each agent who participated in the chat. Afterward, Agent B answers the customer's questions and leaves the chat, but Agent A is again not sure about another question, so Agent B joins the chat again and finishes it. In this case, this single chat would be counted three times in statistics.

Missed chats - number of chats that agents did not answer within the given amount of time, defined as "Routing time" set up in Configuration > Chat > Chat settings. A single chat can be counted as missed multiple times for every routing time window during which the chat was not picked up by any agent.
After the routing time window had passed and the agent to whom the chat was ringing did not pick it up, the chat counts as missed and is transferred to the next available agent. If there is only one agent available in the department to which the chat button/invitation is assigned, the chat isn't transferred, but instead it is ringing to the same agent again, so the number of "Missed chats" increases for every routing time window passed. To prevent a single agent from missing a single chat multiple times, activate the Auto pause feature. A chat that was counted as missed, once or even multiple times, can be still picked up by any agent later on and counted into "Chats" and "Finished chats" as well.

Chat pickup - number of chats answered by agents which were started by customers either by clicking on a chat button, accepting a chat invitation, or starting a chat from the customer portal My Tickets section. This does not count chats started by agents from the Chats overview/Online visitors section.
Compared to the "Chats" number, the "Chat pickup" number won't increase for agents joining ongoing chats.

Chat pickup avg time - average time taken to answer ringing chat requests, including time spent in queue. Basically, the average time it takes to change the chat status from "Ringing" or ''In queue'' to "Chatting".

Chat avg time - average chatting time, counted from picking up a chat until it ends, so basically the average time it takes for chats to change status from "Chatting" to "Open", "Answered" or "Resolved", so until the moment when an agent or customer ends the chat.

Incoming chats - all chats initiated by customers either by clicking on a chat button or starting a chat from the customer portal My Tickets section, that started ringing in agents' panels/apps, even those which were not answered by any agent. Does not include chats requested by accepting chat invitations.

Finished chats - number of all ended chats, started either by a customer by clicking on a chat button, accepting a chat invitation, or starting a chat from the customer portal My Tickets section, or started by an agent from the Chats overview/Online visitors section.

Unanswered chats - numbers of chats started by customers either by clicking on a chat button or starting a chat from the customer portal My Tickets section, that agents did not pick up, including also chats that agents could not even answer due to the customer closing the chat right away after starting it. Does not include unanswered chats started by accepting chat invitations.

Calls-related columns

Calls - number of incoming calls initiated by customers either by video call, call us buttons or by calling connected SIP numbers, that agents joined by picking up a ringing call request or accepting a transferred call. The number of "Calls" increases for every agent who joined a call, where a single call can be joined by the same agent multiple times in case of transferring the call multiple times. Does not include accepted internal calls.
As an example let's take Agent A calling with the customer. Agent A identifies that the customer's case needs to be solved by another department, so he transfers the call to colleague Agent B who accepts it. This call would be counted twice in statistics, once for each agent who participated in the call. Afterward, Agent B resolves the customer's case and transfers the call back to Agent A to finish it. In this case, this call would be counted three times in statistics.

Outgoing calls - number of outgoing calls initiated by agents. Does not include initiating internal calls.

Missed calls - number of calls, either initiated by customers or also internal calls initiated by other agents, that agents did not answer within the given amount of time, defined as "Routing time" set up in Configuration > Call > Settings. A single call can be counted as missed multiple times for every routing time window during which the call was not picked up by any agent.
After the routing time window had passed and the agent to whom the call was ringing did not pick it up, the call counts as missed and is transferred to the next available agent. If there is only one agent available in the department to which the call button/number is assigned, the call isn't transferred, but instead is ringing to the same agent again, so the number of "Missed calls" increases for every routing time window passed. To prevent a single agent from missing the same call multiple times, activate the Auto pause feature. A call that was counted as missed, once or even multiple times, can still be picked up by any agent later on and counted into "Calls" and "Finished calls" as well.

Call minutes - duration of all answered calls initiated by customers, either by video call/call us buttons or by calling connected SIP numbers, counted in seconds but rounded up to minutes. Does not count the duration of internal calls.

Outgoing call minutes - duration of all outgoing calls initiated by agents, counted in seconds but rounded up to minutes. Does not count the duration of internal calls.

Call pickup average time - average time taken to answer ringing call requests, including time spent in IVR and in the queue. Basically, the average time it takes to change the call status to "Calling" since the customer started the call.

Call average time - average time of all answered calls initiated by customers either by video call/call us buttons or calling connected SIP number, written in HH:MM:SS format. Basically, the number of "Calls" divided by the number of "Call minutes".

Outgoing call average time - average time of all outgoing calls initiated by agents, written in HH:MM:SS format. Basically, the number of "Outgoing calls" divided by the number of "Outgoing call minutes".

Internal calls - number of initiated internal calls between agents, counted also when internal calls were not picked up or declined.

Internal call minutes - duration of all internal calls between agents, counted in seconds but rounded up to minutes.

Internal call average time - average time of all internal calls between agents, written in HH:MM:SS format. Basically, the number of "Internal calls" divided by the number of "Internal call minutes".

Incoming calls - number of incoming calls that started ringing in agents' panels/devices/apps, including internal calls, counted also for calls that agents didn't answer. A single call is not counted twice as an incoming call when it starts ringing to another agent due to missing it by the first agent.

Finished calls - number of all ended incoming calls, including also ended outgoing and internal calls.

Unanswered calls - numbers of calls started by customers that agents did not pick up, including also calls that agents could not even answer due to the customer hanging up right away after starting it, or also calls that were canceled in IVR steps, so even calls your agents had no chance to pick up. Does not include unanswered internal calls.

Voicemails - number of voicemails left by calling customers.

Ratings-related columns

Each chat session or ticket answer can be rated separately, therefore a single ticket can be rated multiple times.

Not rated - number of not rated ended chats, where the customer did not give any rating and closed the chat window. Does not count if the customer does not close the chat window but closes the page/browser right away.

Not rated % - percentage of not rated chats compared to all rated ticket answers & chats. For example, if all agents got 3 positive, 2 semi-positive, 1 negative, and 1 "not rated" ratings, the percentage number is 14%.

Positive ratings - number of positive & semi-positive ratings given by customers to agents after an ended chat or from the customer portal.

Positive ratings % - percentage of given positive & semi-positive ratings compared to all rated ticket answers & chats, including chats counted as "Not rated". For example, if all agents got 3 positive, 2 semi-positive, 1 negative, and 1 "not rated" ratings, the percentage number is 71%.

Negative ratings - number of negative ratings given by customers to agents after an ended chat or from the customer portal.

Negative ratings % - percentage of given negative ratings compared to all rated ticket answers & chats, including chats counted as "Not rated". For example, if all agents got 3 positive, 2 semi-positive, 1 negative, and 1 "not rated" ratings, the percentage number is 14%.
