Complete API reference

Data fields formats
Return messages formats
Error messages formats
Api v.1
        Retrieves agent info and auth token
        Return application installation date and latest version
        Retrieve list of companies
        Retrieve company info
        Transfer conversation to another department and/or agent
        Delete conversation
        Delete custom field value in conversation
        Add custom field value to conversation
        Retrieves all conversations
        Retrieves conversation info
        Retrieves all conversation messages
        Create new message in conversation
        Change status of the conversation
        Unassign a tag from a conversation
        Retrieve a list of tags assigned to a conversation
        Assign tag to a conversation
        Delete custom field value in user contact
        Add custom field value to customer
        Retrieves customer info
        Remove customer from group
        Retrieve customer groups
        Add customer to group
    Customers groups
        Delete customers group
        Retrieve customers group info
        Retrieve all groups of all customers
        Add customers group
        Change customers group
        Retrieve list of departments
        Retrieve department info
        Retrieve file
        Add file
        Retrieve a list of all knowledgebase articles (deprecated)
        Add knowledgebase article
        Add knowledgebase category, suggestion category or forum
        Remove knowledgebase entry
        Retrieve a list of all knowledgebase entries
        Retrieve a list of all knowledgebases
        Knowledgebase search
    Online status
        Agents report
        Channels report
        Departments report
        Performance report
        Tags report
        Tickets Agent availability report
        Tickets Load report
        Tickets SLA Compliance report
        Tickets SLA Log report
        Chats Agent availability report
        Chats availability report
        Chats Load report
        Chats SLA Compliance report
        Chats SLA log report
        Calls Agent availability report
        Calls availability report
        Calls Load report
        Calls SLA Compliance report
        Calls SLA log report
        Ranking agents report
    Suggestion categories
        Retrieves all suggestion categories
        Remove tag
        Retrieve a list of all available tags
        Retrieve tag info
        Add tag
        Change tag
        Retrieve all widgets
        Retrieve widget
        Add widget
        Change widget
        Phone calls

Datafield formats

Type Description
datetime valid format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Note: values are in time zone defined in '/accounts/settings.php' or in "GMT" timezone by default.
text could be any string or empty
constlist could be only one instance of finite set. Possible values are named in specifice field description.
int integer value greater or equal to zero.
array list of entities. All entities have the same column definition
list list of entities. Every entity has its specific column definition.
opdatetime datetime with operator. This field has the same format as 'datetime' except you can use various operators with it.
Possible operators:
eq: equals, example 'eq:2009-11-12 05:02:01' or just '2009-11-12 05:02:01'
neq: NOT equals, example 'neq:2009-11-12 05:02:01'
gt: greater than, example 'gt:2009-11-12 05:02:01'
lt: less than, example 'lt:2009-11-12 05:02:01'
gte: greater than or equals, example 'gte:2009-11-12 05:02:01'
lte: less than or equals, example 'lte:2009-11-12 05:02:01'
btw: between, example 'btw:2009-11-12 05:02:01,2010-10-11 04:01:59'
lk: like, example 'lk:2009-11-12 05:02:01' or you can use wildcard characters '%' (for any number of characters) or ? (for one character) 'lk:2009-01-%' or 'lk:2011-12-01 ??:59:59'
note: if you do not enter any operator, 'eq' will be used as default.

Return messages formats

Return messages are in JSON format by default. But you can change this to XML by adding .xml at the end of call URL.This will give response in JSON:

We add .xml to call URL and we have response in XML format

Note: if y ou have PHP YAML extension enabled in your PHP, you could also use .yaml to get response in YAML format.

Error messages formats

400 - Bad request error
You can get this in case your athentification with API key failed because of problem with API key in application.

401 - Forbidden
You can get this in case of failed authentification with wrong key

404 - Not found error
You can get this in case "agnet with email not found"

500 - Common porcessing error
This is the most common error type. You can get this in case "parameter message is missing" or "unable to load conversation"

503 - Service Unavailable
You can get this in case application is unavaliable to process requests - in case of updating and/or installing.

Error response example
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <errormessage>Example error message</errormessage>
 <debugmessage>debug info</debugmessage>
    "errormessage":"Example error message",
    "debugmessage":"debug info"

API version 1


Retrieves agent info and auth token

Avaliable from application version:
Avaliable examples: WordPress plugin example

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[agentidentifier] text Agent identifier. Can be email or userid.
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
contactid text Id of agent contact.
userid text Id of agent, also known as userid.
email text Agent email.
firstname text Agent first name.
lastname text Agent last name.
systemname text Agent system name.
authtoken text Agent auth token.
browsercookiename text Agent browser cookie name.
gender constlist Agent gender. (Possible values: M - Male, F - Female, O - Other)
role constlist Agent role. (Possible values: D - Administrator, A - Agent, O - Owner)

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


Return application installation date and latest version

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
liveagentversion text Latest application version
gpfversion text Latest framework version
dateinstalled datetime Date of Application installation
datelatestupdate datetime Date of latest update
current_server_time datetime Current server time

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <dateinstalled>2012-04-05 11:22:31</dateinstalled>
 <datelatestupdate>2012-08-05 12:13:05</datelatestupdate>
 <current_server_time>2014-08-09 10:14:00</current_server_time>
    "dateinstalled":"2012-04-05 11:22:31",
    "datelatestupdate":"2012-08-05 12:13:05",
    "current_server_time":"2014-08-09 10:14:00"


Retrieve list of companies

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
companies list list of all companies
Field companies has 5 columns:
id text unique identifier of company
name text name of the company
emails text email addresses associated with the company
datecreated datetime date, when company was created
ip text IP address of company

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <name>Company Co.</name>
   <datecreated>2015-05-28 06:25:07</datecreated>
        "name":"Company Co.",
        "datecreated":"2015-05-28 06:25:07",

Retrieve company info

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[companyid] text Company ID
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
id text Id of the company
name text Company name
datecreated text Date, when company was created
language text Language associated with company
ip text IP address of company
emails array List of company emails
phones array List of company phones
groups list List of groups, which company is part of
Field groups has 2 columns:
groupid text Id of group
groupname text Name of group
custom_fields list Custom field values
Field custom_fields has 2 columns:
code text Custom field code
value text Custom field value
unique_fields list Unique company identifiers
Field unique_fields has 2 columns:
code text Unique field code.
value text Unique field value.

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <name>Company Co.</name>
 <datecreated>2015-05-28 06:25:07</datecreated>
  <phone>0909 111 111</phone>
   <groupname>Super group</groupname>
   <groupname>Rito pls</groupname>
   <code>n. of people</code>
   <code>favourite drink</code>
    "name":"Company Co.",
    "datecreated":"2015-05-28 06:25:07",
      "0909 111 111"
        "groupname":"Super group"
        "groupname":"Rito pls"
        "code":"n. of people",
        "code":"favourite drink",


Transfer conversation to another department and/or agent

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as PUT fields.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
$curl_put_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'agentidentifier' => '...',
        'useridentifier' => '...',
        'department' => '...',
        'note' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_put_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
agentidentifier text Agent identifier. Could be mail or userid.
useridentifier text User identifier (could be mail or userid) who will transfer the conversation. If undefined, user "System" will be used.
department text Id of the department.
note text Transfer note.

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Delete conversation

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_delete_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'note' => '...',
        'useridentifier' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_delete_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
note text Delete note
useridentifier text Agent identifier. Could be mail or userid. If not set, user "System" will be used.

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Delete custom field value in conversation

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_delete_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'code' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_delete_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
code text Custom field name to be deleted from conversation. If not specified, all fields will be deleted from conversation.

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Add custom field value to conversation

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'customfields' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
customfields json Add custom field values (Same field can be added multiple times, if you need to update existing field value, delete it first). Json encoded array of custom fields. Example value: [{"code":"varsymbol","value":"43894209"},{"code":"anotherfield","value":"test value"}]
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Retrieves all conversations

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
owneridentifier text Conversations owner identifier. Could be mail.
department text Department identifier
agent text Agent identifier. Could be userid or mail.
status text Load only conversations with given status. It can contain one specific status, or multiple statuses separated by comma. Example: status=R,T,C. This parameter is avaliable from version
datefrom datetime Load only conversations older than this date (valid format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
dateto datetime Load only conversations younger than this date (valid format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
datechanged opdatetime Date of last conversation change
subject text Load only conversations with specific subject - avail. from version
limit int Limit number of returned rows. Default value: 100, Max value: 1000
offset int Return articles from defined row number. Default value 0.
channel_type text Load only conversations with given channel type. It can contain one specific channel type, or multiple channel types separated by comma. Example: channel_type=E,F,T. This parameter is available from version

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
conversations list Conversations list
Field conversations has 17 columns:
conversationid text Id of conversation
code text Conversation code
datecreated datetime Date created
datechanged datetime Date of last change
datedue datetime Due date (if sla is set)
departmentname text Department name
departmentid text Department id
status constlist Conversation status (Possible values: A - Answered, P - Calling, T - Chatting, X - Deleted, B - Spam, I - Init, C - Open, R - Resolved, N - New, W - Postponed)
ownername text Name of conversation owner
owneremail text Email of conversation owner
subject text Conversation subject
preview text Conversation preview
publicurlcode text Public URL code
tags text Tags assigned to ticket.
channel_type constlist Conversation channel (Possible values: E - Email, B - Contact button, M - Contact form, I - Invitation, C - Call, W - Call button, F - Facebook, A - Facebook message, T - Twitter, Q - Forum, S - Suggestion)
messagegroupsin text Incoming messages.
messagegroupsout text Outgoing messages.

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <datecreated>2012-03-02 11:21:04</datecreated>
   <datechanged>2012-03-02 11:21:05</datechanged>
   <departmentname>Department 1</departmentname>
   <ownername>John Owner</ownername>
   <subject>Test ticket</subject>
   <preview>this is test ticket</preview>
   <datecreated>2012-03-02 12:21:04</datecreated>
   <datechanged>2012-03-02 12:21:05</datechanged>
   <departmentname>Department 1</departmentname>
   <ownername>John Silver</ownername>
   <subject>My ticet</subject>
   <preview>this my ticket</preview>
        "datecreated":"2012-03-02 11:21:04",
        "datechanged":"2012-03-02 11:21:05",
        "departmentname":"Department 1",
        "ownername":"John Owner",
        "subject":"Test ticket",
        "preview":"this is test ticket",
        "datecreated":"2012-03-02 12:21:04",
        "datechanged":"2012-03-02 12:21:05",
        "departmentname":"Department 1",
        "ownername":"John Silver",
        "subject":"My ticet",
        "preview":"this my ticket",

Retrieves conversation info

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
conversationid text Id of conversation
code text Conversation code
datecreated datetime Date created
datechanged datetime Date of last change
datedue datetime Due date (if sla is set)
departmentname text Department name
departmentid text Department id
status constlist Conversation status (Possible values: A - Answered, P - Calling, T - Chatting, X - Deleted, B - Spam, I - Init, C - Open, R - Resolved, N - New, W - Postponed)
ownername text Name of conversation owner
owneremail text Email of conversation owner
subject text Conversation subject
ownernote text Conversation owner note - avail. from version 2.8.12.X+
preview text Conversation preview
publicurlcode text Public URL code
assignedto text Identifier of agent which is this conversation assigned to
tags text Tags assigned to ticket
channel_type constlist Conversation channel (Possible values: E - Email, B - Contact button, M - Contact form, I - Invitation, C - Call, W - Call button, F - Facebook, A - Facebook message, T - Twitter, Q - Forum, S - Suggestion)
messagegroupsin text Incoming messages.
messagegroupsout text Outgoing messages.
customfields list Custom field values
Field customfields has 2 columns:
code text Custom field code.
value text Custom field value.

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <datecreated>2012-04-01 00:15:11</datecreated>
 <datechanged>2012-04-01 00:15:21</datechanged>
 <departmentname>Department 1</departmentname>
 <ownername>John Doe</ownername>
 <subject>My first ticket</subject>
 <preview>Hello, this is my first ticket...</preview>
   <value>Example value of custom field</value>
    "datecreated":"2012-04-01 00:15:11",
    "datechanged":"2012-04-01 00:15:21",
    "departmentname":"Department 1",
    "ownername":"John Doe",
    "subject":"My first ticket",
     this is my first ticket...",
        "value":"Example value of custom field"

Retrieves all conversation messages

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
datefrom datetime Load messages only older than this date (valid format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
dateto datetime Load messages only newer than this date (valid format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
groups list Message groups list.
Field groups has 7 columns:
messagegroupid text Id of the group.
userid text Id of the user who created the group.
rtype constlist Type of the group. (Possible values: P - Type call, V - Type outgoing call, 1 - Type internal call, C - Type chat, X - Type delete, F - Type facebook, I - Type internal, Z - Type internal (collapsed by default), K - Type knowledgebase, A - Type knowledgebase start, 5 - Type offline, M - Type offline legacy, U - Type internal offline, R - Type resolve, Y - Type retweet, S - Type startinfo, G - Type tag, T - Type transfer, W - Type twitter, O - Type forwarded, Q - Type reply to forward, J - Type postpone, B - Type spam, L - Type split, 2 - Type merged, 3 - Type incoming email, 4 - Type outgoing email)
rstatus constlist Status of the group (Possible values: D - Status deleted, P - Status promoted, V - Status visible, S - Status splitted, M - Status merged, I - Status initializing, C - Status calling, R - Status connecting)
datecreated datetime Date of creation
datefinished datetime Date ofter latest message
messages list List of messages
Field messages has 5 columns:
messageid text Id of the message
userid text Id of the message user
rtype constlist Type of the message (Possible values: D - Type disconnected, E - Type end, F - Type file, Z - Type formfield, H - Type header, I - Type internal, M - Type message, B - Type split, X - Type mixed message, N - Type note, L - Type note file, Q - Type quoted text, C - Type rating comment, P - Type positive rating, W - Type negative rating, J - Type status, S - Type system, G - Type tag, O - Type footer, A - Type header, T - Type title, R - Type transfer, U - Type useragent, V - Type voice, 1 - Type voice internal, 2 - Type merged, 0 - Type error footer, Y - Type message legacy, K - Type system public, 3 - Type invitation reroute)
datecreated datetime Date of message creation
message text Message body

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <datecreated>2012-04-03 12:21:21</datecreated>
   <datefinished>2012-04-03 12:31:21</datefinished>
     <datecreated>2012-04-03 12:25:21</datecreated>
     <message>hello, this is example message</message>
   <datecreated>2012-04-03 12:41:21</datecreated>
   <datefinished>2012-04-03 13:21:21</datefinished>
     <datecreated>2012-04-03 18:21:21</datecreated>
     <message>hello, this is example message</message>
     <datecreated>2012-04-03 19:21:21</datecreated>
     <message>hello, this is example message</message>
        "datecreated":"2012-04-03 12:21:21",
        "datefinished":"2012-04-03 12:31:21",
            "datecreated":"2012-04-03 12:25:21",
             this is example message"
        "datecreated":"2012-04-03 12:41:21",
        "datefinished":"2012-04-03 13:21:21",
            "datecreated":"2012-04-03 18:21:21",
             this is example message"
            "datecreated":"2012-04-03 19:21:21",
             this is example message"

Create new message in conversation

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'message' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'useridentifier' => '...',
        'type' => '...',
        'mail_messsage_id' => '...',
        'do_not_send_mail' => '...',
        'is_html_message' => '...',
        'use_template' => '...',
        'attachments' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
message text Message body (must be UTF-8)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
useridentifier text Agent identifier. Could be mail or userid. If not set, user "System" will be used.
type constlist Message type. (Possible values: M - Message, N - Note)
mail_messsage_id text Mail message id. If specified, all reply emails which will have given mail message id in in-reply-to header will be assigned to this conversation.
do_not_send_mail constlist Disables sending mail to customer. Can be used when mail was already sent by an external system (Possible values: Y - Yes, N - No)
is_html_message constlist Set this to Y is the message text is formatted in html (Possible values: Y - Yes, N - No)
use_template constlist Use department mail template and add message into mail template text. (Default Yes) (Possible values: Y - Yes, N - No)
attachments text Message attachments. Comma separated file identifiers of files uploaded using files API. Example value: "3a1d0a821ea3a63594ba826efad0a379, 001908318230609832c2c07b7bac3658". Available from version 4.29

Note: When useridentifier is empty only notes are created - even when type="M"

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Change status of the conversation

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as PUT fields.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
$curl_put_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'status' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'useridentifier' => '...',
        'note' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_put_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
status constlist Conversation status. (Possible values: A - Answered, R - Resolved, C - Open)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
useridentifier text Agent identifier. Could be mail or userid. If not set, user "System" will be used.
note text Note

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Unassign a tag from a conversation

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_delete_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'id' => '...',
        'name' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_delete_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
id text Identifier of the tag. Either id or name must be specified.
name text Name of the tag. Either id or name must be specified.

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Retrieve a list of tags assigned to a conversation

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
tags list The list of tags assigned.
Field tags has 2 columns:
id text The identifier of the tag.
name text Name of the tag.

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Assign tag to a conversation

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'id' => '...',
        'name' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[conversationid] text Conversation ID (eg. 12ab34cd) or code (eg. ABC-DEFGH-123) or public url code (eg. m6uoFJd2e4I8Z18q)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
id text Identifier of the tag.
name text Name of the tag.

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


Delete custom field value in user contact

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_delete_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'code' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_delete_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[customeridentifier] text Customer identifier (email or contactid)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
code text Custom field name to be deleted from contact. If not specified, all custom fields will be deleted from contact.

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Add custom field value to customer

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'customfields' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[customeridentifier] text Customer identifier (email or contactid)
customfields json Add custom field values (Same field can be added multiple times, if you need to update existing field value, delete it first). Json encoded array of custom fields. Example value: [{"code":"varsymbol","value":"43894209"},{"code":"another_field","value":"test value"}]
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Retrieves customer info

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[customeridentifier] text Customer identifier (email or contactid)
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
contactid text Id of customer contact
email text Customer email
firstname text Customer first name
lastname text Customer last name
systemname text Customer system name
authtoken text Customer browser cookie identification
browsercookiename constlist Customer browser cookie name (Possible values: V_auth - Registerd visitor cookie name, LaVisitorId_c3RhbmRhbG9uZS5sYS5sb2NhbGhvc3QvTGl2ZUFnZW50L3NlcnZlci8 - Not yet registered visitor cookie name)
role constlist Customer role. (Possible values: V - Visitor, R - Registered visitor)
gender constlist Customer gender (Possible values: M - Male, F - Female, O - Other)
companyid text Company id
userid text Customer userid
datecreated datetime Date created
note text Customer note
ip text Customer IP
customfields list Custom field values
Field customfields has 2 columns:
code text Custom field code.
value text Custom field value.
uniquefields list Unique customer identifiers
Field uniquefields has 2 columns:
code text Unique field code.
value text Unique field value.

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <datecreated>2012-03-02 11:21:04</datecreated>
   <value>Example value of custom field</value>
    "datecreated":"2012-03-02 11:21:04",
        "value":"Example value of custom field"

Remove customer from group

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_delete_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'name' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_delete_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[customeridentifier] text Customer identifier (email or contactid)
name text Customer group name
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Retrieve customer groups

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[customeridentifier] text Customer identifier (email or contactid)
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
groups list List of all customer groups
Field groups has 2 columns:
groupid text Group id
groupname text Group name

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Add customer to group

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'name' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[customeridentifier] text Customer identifier (email or contactid)
name text Customer group name
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Customers groups

Delete customers group

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_delete_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_delete_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[groupid] text Customers group ID
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Retrieve customers group info

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[groupid] text Customers group ID
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
id text Id of customers group
name text Name of the customers group
color text Color for title
bg_color text Color for background

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Retrieve all groups of all customers

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
groups list List all groups of all customers
Field groups has 2 columns:
id text Group id
name text Group name

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Add customers group

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'name' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'color' => '...',
        'bg_color' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
name text Name of the customers group
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
color text Color for name
bg_color text Color for background

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request
id text Id of tag
name text Name of tag
color text Color for name
bg_color text Color for background

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Change customers group

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as PUT fields.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
$curl_put_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'name' => '...',
        'color' => '...',
        'bg_color' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_put_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[groupid] text Customers group ID
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
name text Name of the customers group
color text Color for name
bg_color text Color for background

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


Retrieve list of departments

Avaliable from application version:
Avaliable examples: Wordpress widget example

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
departments list list of all departments
Field departments has 4 columns:
departmentid text id of the department
name text Name of the department
onlinestatus text Online status of department - services online in department. Combination of values T, P, M (T - chat, P - phone, M - automatic ticket solving)
deleted constlist If department was deleted (Possible values: Y - Yes, N - No)

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <name>Department 1</name>
   <name>Department 2</name>
        "name":"Department 1",
        "name":"Department 2",

Retrieve department info

Avaliable from application version:
Avaliable examples: Wordpress widget example

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[departmentid] text Department ID
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
departmentid text Id of the department
name text Name of the department
onlinestatus text Department online status - services online in department. Combination of values T, P, M (T - chat, P - phone, M - automatic ticket solving)
deleted constlist If department was deleted (Possible values: Y - Yes, N - No)

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


Retrieve file

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[fileid] text  
apikey text API key

Note: From version 5.25 the returned 'downloadUrl' may be incorrect. Ticket attachments use different endpoint for download. Use 'download_url' returned from 'api/v3/ticket/{ticket_id}/messages'

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
fileid text File identifier
created datetime File creation date
filename text File name
filesize int File size (in bytes)
filetype text File MIME type (e.g. "image/jpeg" or "application/pdf")
downloads int Count of file downloads
downloadUrl text Url to download the file. Note: From version 4.47 to download the file, you have to add 'apikey' either as GET or POST parameter. From version 5.25 ticket attachments use different endpoint for download. Use the URL returned from 'api/v3/ticket/{ticket_id}/messages'

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <created>2022-06-13 14:41:41</created>
    "created":"2022-06-13 14:41:41",

Add file

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'name' => '...',
        'type' => '...',
        'data' => '...',
        'downloadUrl' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
name text File name
type text File type
data text File data, base64 encoded. If data is set, name and type must also be set, and downloadUrl is ignored.
downloadUrl text File download URL, from where the API will download the file content. This parameter is used only if data is not set. Name and type are optional.

Note: Be aware that if file is not used (e.g. as a message attachment or in a contact widget, etc.), the file will be automatically deleted after 2 weeks.

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
fileid text File identifier
created datetime File creation date
filename text File name
filesize int File size (in bytes)
filetype text File MIME type (e.g. "image/jpeg" or "application/pdf")
downloads int Count of file downloads
downloadUrl text Url to download the file. Note: From version 4.47 to download the file, you have to add 'apikey' either as GET or POST parameter. From version 5.25 ticket attachments use different endpoint for download. Use the URL returned from 'api/v3/ticket/{ticket_id}/messages'

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <created>2022-06-13 14:41:41</created>
    "created":"2022-06-13 14:41:41",


Retrieve a list of all knowledgebase articles (deprecated)

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
kb_id text Knowledgebase ID.
limit int Limit number of returned rows. Default value: 10, Max value: 500
offset int Return articles from defined row number. Default value 0.
tree_path text Return just articles with tree path starting with selected value (e.g. if you need to return all sub-articles of specific category). Example value: 0|23|
parent_id text Return just articles with specific parent ID (e.g. if you need to return just first level of sub-articles of specific category). Example value: 288
article_id text Return just specific article with given ID. Example value: 288

Note: This API is deprecated. Please use GET Knowledgebase/Entries

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
articles list The list of all knowledgebase articles.
Field articles has 22 columns:
kb_id text Knowledge base ID.
kb_entry_id text Article ID.
parent_entry_id text Parent article ID.
rtype constlist Article type. (Possible values: H - Home, C - Category, A - Article, Q - Forum, R - Topic, G - Suggestion category, S - Suggestion)
rstatus constlist Status. (Possible values: N - New, C - Completed, P - Published, D - Draft, I - Init, U - Review, L - Planned, S - Started, X - Declined)
access constlist Article access level. (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
access_inherited constlist Inherited access level. (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
urlcode text URL Code.
treepath text Tree path.
rorder int Order.
title text Article Title.
metadescription text HTML Meta description.
keywords text HTML Meta Keywords.
content html Article Content.
conversationid text Conversation ID.
departmentid text Department ID.
views int Number of views.
votes int Number of votes.
datecreated datetime Date when was article created.
datechanged datetime Date of last change.
deleted constlist Is article deleted? (Possible values: Y - Yes, N - No)
description text Description.

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <title>General Questions</title>
   <metadescription>General Questions not related to Quality Unit products</metadescription>
   <keywords>faq, questions</keywords>
    <![CDATA[Article content]]>
   <datecreated>2007-08-02 12:24:51</datecreated>
   <datechanged>2011-12-22 16:33:40</datechanged>
   <title>Another article</title>
   <keywords>test article</keywords>
    <![CDATA[This is test content that can contain html and because of that it is in construct]]>
   <datecreated>2004-02-02 12:24:11</datecreated>
   <datechanged>2014-11-22 16:33:40</datechanged>
        "title":"General Questions",
        "metadescription":"General Questions not related to Quality Unit products",
        "content":"Article content",
        "datecreated":"2007-08-02 12:24:51",
        "datechanged":"2011-12-22 16:33:40",
        "title":"Another article",
        "keywords":"test article",
        "content":"This is test content that can contain html and because of that it is in construct",
        "datecreated":"2004-02-02 12:24:11",
        "datechanged":"2014-11-22 16:33:40",

Add knowledgebase article

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'content' => '...',
        'title' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'kb_id' => '...',
        'parent_entry_id' => '...',
        'rstatus' => '...',
        'access' => '...',
        'rorder' => '...',
        'keywords' => '...',
        'full_preview' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
content text Article content HTML
title text Title
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
kb_id text Knowledgebase identifier, default value: kb_defa
parent_entry_id text Parent category identifier
rstatus constlist Status (Possible values: P - Published, D - Draft)
access constlist Access (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
rorder int Order of article within category
keywords text Keywords
full_preview constlist Display whole article in list of articles (Possible values: Y - Yes, N - No)

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
kb_id text Knowledgebase identifier
kb_entry_id text Knowledgebase article identifier
parent_entry_id text Parent article identifier
urlcode text URL Code
title text Article title
content html Article content HTML
content_text text Article content converted to text
content_simple_html html Article content HTML with images removed
treepath text Tree path
rstatus constlist Status (Possible values: N - New, C - Completed, P - Published, D - Draft, I - Init, U - Review, L - Planned, S - Started, X - Declined)
access constlist Article access level (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
access_inherited constlist Inherited access level (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
rorder int Order of article within category
keywords text HTML Meta Keywords
datecreated datetime Date when was article created
datechanged datetime Date of last change
views int Number of views

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <title>General Questions</title>
  <![CDATA[Article <b>content</b>
  <img src="pix.gif">]]>
   <content_text>Article content</content_text>
    <![CDATA[Article <b>content</b>]]>
   <keywords>faq, questions</keywords>
   <datecreated>2015-08-02 12:24:51</datecreated>
   <datechanged>2015-10-22 16:33:40</datechanged>
    "title":"General Questions",
    "content":"Article <b>content<\/b><img src=\"pix.gif\">",
    "content_text":"Article content",
    "content_simple_html":"Article <b>content<\/b>",
    "datecreated":"2015-08-02 12:24:51",
    "datechanged":"2015-10-22 16:33:40",

Add knowledgebase category, suggestion category or forum

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'title' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'kb_id' => '...',
        'parent_entry_id' => '...',
        'rtype' => '...',
        'access' => '...',
        'rorder' => '...',
        'keywords' => '...',
        'departmentid' => '...',
        'description' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
title text Title
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
kb_id text Knowledgebase identifier, default value: kb_defa
parent_entry_id text Parent category identifier, default value: 0 (root category)
rtype constlist Category type, default value: Category (Possible values: C - Category, Q - Forum, G - Suggestion category)
access constlist Access, default value: Public (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
rorder text Order within category, new items are added at the top by default
keywords text Keywords (used only for category)
departmentid text Department identifier (used for forum and suggestion category, defines which department handles tickets from this category)
description text Description (used for forum and suggestion category)

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
kb_id text Knowledgebase identifier
kb_entry_id text Knowledgebase entry identifier
parent_entry_id text Parent category identifier
urlcode text URL Code
title text Title
treepath text Tree path
rtype text Type of category
rstatus constlist Status (Possible values: N - New, C - Completed, P - Published, D - Draft, I - Init, U - Review, L - Planned, S - Started, X - Declined)
access constlist Access level (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
access_inherited constlist Inherited access level (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
rorder int Order within parent category
keywords text HTML Meta Keywords
datecreated datetime Date when article was created
datechanged datetime Date of last change
departmentid text Department identifier
views int Number of views
description text Description

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <title>General Questions</title>
 <keywords>faq, questions</keywords>
 <datecreated>2007-08-02 12:24:51</datecreated>
 <datechanged>2011-12-22 16:33:40</datechanged>
 <description>Category description</description>
    "title":"General Questions",
    "datecreated":"2007-08-02 12:24:51",
    "datechanged":"2011-12-22 16:33:40",
    "description":"Category description"

Remove knowledgebase entry

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_delete_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_delete_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[entry_id] text Knowledgebase entry ID
apikey text API key

Note: Be aware that if the knowledgebase entry being deleted is a category, forum or suggestion category, this API call will delete the entry and all child entries under it (the entire subtree). This action can not be undone.

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Retrieve a list of all knowledgebase entries

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
limit int Limit number of returned rows. Default value: 50, Max value: 500
offset int Return articles from defined row number. Default value 0
kb_id text Knowledgebase identifier
tree_path text Return just entries with tree path starting with selected value (e.g. if you need to return all sub-entries of specific category). Example value: 0|23|
parent_entry_id text Return just entries with specific parent ID (e.g. if you need to return just first level of sub-entries of specific category). Example value: 288
entry_id text Return just specific entry with given ID. Example value: 288
date_changed datetime Return just entries with date change after specific date. Example value: 2014-11-24

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
entries list The list of all knowledgebase entries
Field entries has 22 columns:
kb_id text Knowledgebase identifier
kb_entry_id text Knowledgebase entry identifier
parent_entry_id text Parent category identifier
rtype constlist Knowledgebase entry type (Possible values: H - Home, C - Category, A - Article, Q - Forum, R - Topic, G - Suggestion category, S - Suggestion)
rstatus constlist Status (Possible values: N - New, C - Completed, P - Published, D - Draft, I - Init, U - Review, L - Planned, S - Started, X - Declined)
access constlist Knowledgebase entry access level (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
access_inherited constlist Inherited access level (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
urlcode text URL Code
treepath text Tree path
rorder int Order within parent category
title text Knowledgebase entry title
metadescription text HTML Meta description
keywords text HTML Meta Keywords
content text Article content
conversationid text Related ticket identifier
departmentid text Department identifier
views int Number of views
votes int Number of votes
datecreated datetime Date when entry was created
datechanged datetime Date of last change
deleted constlist Was the entry deleted? (suggestion and topic only) (Possible values: Y - Yes, N - No)
description text Description

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <title>General Questions Category</title>
   <metadescription>General Questions about life, universe and everything</metadescription>
   <keywords>faq, questions</keywords>
   <datecreated>2007-08-02 12:24:51</datecreated>
   <datechanged>2011-12-22 16:33:40</datechanged>
   <description>Description of category</description>
   <title>Article 42</title>
   <keywords>test article</keywords>
   <content>This is test content that can contain &lt;b&gt;html&lt;/b&gt; and images &lt;img src="pix.gif"&gt;</content>
   <datecreated>2004-02-02 12:24:11</datecreated>
   <datechanged>2014-11-22 16:33:40</datechanged>
        "title":"General Questions Category",
        "metadescription":"General Questions about life,
         universe and everything",
        "datecreated":"2007-08-02 12:24:51",
        "datechanged":"2011-12-22 16:33:40",
        "description":"Description of category"
        "title":"Article 42",
        "keywords":"test article",
        "content":"This is test content that can contain <b>html<\/b> and images <img src=\"pix.gif\">",
        "datecreated":"2004-02-02 12:24:11",
        "datechanged":"2014-11-22 16:33:40",

Retrieve a list of all knowledgebases

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
limit int Limit number of returned rows. Default value: 10, Max value: 500
offset int Return rows from defined row number. Default value 0.

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
knowledgebases list Knowledgebases list.
Field knowledgebases has 2 columns:
kb_id text Knowledgebase identifier
name text Knowledgebase name

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <name>Knowledgebase 1</name>
   <name>Knowledgebase 2</name>
        "name":"Knowledgebase 1"
        "name":"Knowledgebase 2"

Knowledgebase search

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
query text Query string
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
kb_id text Knowledgebase ID
top_article_id text Top article ID. Search will start from given ID and if it is a category, all subcategories will be searched. Leave empty if all articles should be searched.
limit int Limit number of returned rows. Default value: 10, Max value: 500

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
entries list The search list of all knowledgebase entries.
Field entries has 16 columns:
kb_id text Knowledgebase ID
kb_entry_id text Entry ID
rtype constlist Entry type (Possible values: H - Home, C - Category, A - Article, Q - Forum, R - Topic, G - Suggestion category, S - Suggestion)
rstatus constlist Status (Possible values: N - New, C - Completed, P - Published, D - Draft, I - Init, U - Review, L - Planned, S - Started, X - Declined)
access constlist Entry access level (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
access_inherited constlist Inherited access level (Possible values: I - Internal, P - Public)
urlcode text URL Code
treepath text Tree path
title text Title
title_clear text Title clear
content_text text Entry content (text)
content_simple_html html Entry content (html)
conversationid text Conversation ID
votesCount int Number of votes
datechanged datetime Date of last change
url text Entry Url

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <title>Article 1</title>
   <title_clear>Article 1</title_clear>
   <content_text>Article content</content_text>
    <![CDATA[Article content]]>
   <datechanged>2011-12-22 16:33:40</datechanged>
   <title>Article 2</title>
   <title_clear>Article 2</title_clear>
   <content_text>Article content</content_text>
    <![CDATA[Article content]]>
   <datechanged>2011-12-05 16:33:40</datechanged>
        "title":"Article 1",
        "title_clear":"Article 1",
        "content_text":"Article content",
        "content_simple_html":"Article content",
        "datechanged":"2011-12-22 16:33:40",
        "title":"Article 2",
        "title_clear":"Article 2",
        "content_text":"Article content",
        "content_simple_html":"Article content",
        "datechanged":"2011-12-05 16:33:40",

Online status


Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
agentsOnlineStates list Online state of agents
Field agentsOnlineStates has 8 columns:
id text User id of agent
contactid text Contact id of agent
username text Agent's username (email)
firstname int Agent's first name
lastname int Agent's last name
avatar_url int Agent's avatar url
presetStatus int Agent's preset online status (string consisting of: M-messages, P-phone, T-chat, R-read or F-offline)
onlineStatus int Agent's current online status (string consisting of: M-messages, P-phone, T-chat, R-read or F-offline)

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Note: All count fields are deprecated and shouldn't be used

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
departmentsOnlineStates list Online state of departments
Field departmentsOnlineStates has 8 columns:
id int Identifier of department
name int Name of department
onlineStatus int Current online status of department (string consisting of: M-messages, P-phone, T-chat, R-read or F-offline)
chat_count int (deprecated) Number of running chats in department
new_count int (deprecated) Number of tickets in New state in department
customer_reply_count int (deprecated) Number of customer replies in department
total_count int (deprecated) Total number of new, open and chatting tickets in department
max_count int (deprecated) Maximum number of new, open and chatting tickets in any of departments

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


Agents report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
agents list Agents list
Field agents has 53 columns:
id text User identifier
contactid text User contact identifier
firstname text First name
lastname text Last name
worktime int Worktime in minutes
answers int Number of answers
answers_ph text Number of answers per hour
newAnswerAvgTime int New answer average time (in seconds)
newAnswerAvgTimeSla int New answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
nextAnswerAvgTime int Open answer average time (in seconds)
nextAnswerAvgTimeSla int Open answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
calls int Number of answered calls
calls_ph text Number of answered calls per hour
missed_calls int Number of missed calls
missed_calls_ph text Number of missed calls per hour
call_seconds int Call time total (in seconds)
call_seconds_ph text Call time total (in seconds) per hour
chats int Number of responded chats
chats_ph text Number of responded chats per hour
chat_answers int Number of chat messages
chat_answers_ph text Number of chat messages per hour
missed_chats int Number of missed chats
missed_chats_ph text Number of missed chats per hour
chat_pickup int Number of picked up chats
chatPickupAvgTime int Chat pickup average time (in seconds)
chatAvgTime int Average time spent in chat (in seconds)
not_ranked int Number of not rated
not_ranked_p text Not rated [%]
not_ranked_ph text Number of not rated per hour
rewards int Number of positive ratings
rewards_p text Positive ratings [%]
rewards_ph text Positive ratings per hour
punishments int Number of negative ratings
punishments_p text Negative ratings [%]
punishments_ph text Negative ratings per hour
created_tickets int Number of tickets
resolved_tickets int Number of resolved tickets
u_chats int Number of unanswered chats
u_calls int Number of unanswered calls
notes int Number of notes
firstAssignAvgTime int First assign average time
firstAssignAvgTimeSla int First assign average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
firstResolveAvgTime int First resolve average time
firstResolveAvgTimeSla int First resolve average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
calls_outgoing int Number of outgoing calls
call_outgoing_seconds int Outgoing calls time (in seconds)
call_outgoing_avg_time int Outgoing calls average time (in seconds)
call_pickup_avg_time int Call pickup average time (in seconds)
call_avg_time int Call average time (in seconds)
calls_internal int Number of internal calls
call_internal_avg_time int Internal calls average time (in seconds)
call_internal_seconds int Internal calls time (in seconds)
o_calls int Number of offline calls

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Channels report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
channels list Channels list
Field channels has 45 columns:
id text Channel identifier
channelName text Channel name
answers int Number of answers
newAnswerAvgTime int New answer average time (in seconds)
newAnswerAvgTimeSla int New answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
nextAnswerAvgTime int Open answer average time (in seconds)
nextAnswerAvgTimeSla int Open answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
chat_answers int Number of chat messages
chats int Number of responded chats
missed_chats int Number of missed chats
chat_pickup int Number of picked up chats
chatPickupAvgTime int Chat pickup average time (in seconds)
chatAvgTime int Average time spent in chat (in seconds)
calls int Number of answered calls
missed_calls int Number of missed calls
call_seconds int Call time total (in seconds)
not_ranked int Number of not rated
not_ranked_p text Not rated [%]
rewards int Number of positive ratings
rewards_p text Positive ratings [%]
punishments int Number of negative ratings
punishments_p text Negative ratings [%]
i_messages int Number of incoming messages
i_chats int Number of incoming chats (including not responded)
i_calls int Number of incoming calls (including not answered)
f_chats int Number of finished chats
f_calls int Number of finished calls
created_tickets int Number of tickets
resolved_tickets int Number of resolved tickets
u_chats int Number of unanswered chats
u_calls int Number of unanswered calls
notes int Number of notes
firstAssignAvgTime int First assign average time
firstAssignAvgTimeSla int First assign average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
firstResolveAvgTime int First resolve average time
firstResolveAvgTimeSla int First resolve average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
calls_outgoing int Number of outgoing calls
call_outgoing_seconds int Outgoing calls time (in seconds)
call_outgoing_avg_time int Outgoing calls average time (in seconds)
call_pickup_avg_time int Call pickup average time (in seconds)
call_avg_time int Call average time (in seconds)
calls_internal int Number of internal calls
call_internal_avg_time int Internal calls average time (in seconds)
call_internal_seconds int Internal calls time (in seconds)
o_calls int Number of offline calls

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Departments report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
departments list Departments list
Field departments has 45 columns:
id text Department identifier
departmentName text Department name
answers int Number of answers
newAnswerAvgTime int New answer average time (in seconds)
newAnswerAvgTimeSla int New answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
nextAnswerAvgTime int Open answer average time (in seconds)
nextAnswerAvgTimeSla int Open answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
chat_answers int Number of chat messages
chats int Number of responded chats
missed_chats int Number of missed chats
chat_pickup int Number of picked up chats
chatPickupAvgTime int Chat pickup average time (in seconds)
chatAvgTime int Average time spent in chat (in seconds)
calls int Number of answered calls
missed_calls int Number of missed calls
call_seconds int Call time total (in seconds)
not_ranked int Number of not rated
not_ranked_p text Not rated [%]
rewards int Number of positive ratings
rewards_p text Positive ratings [%]
punishments int Number of negative ratings
punishments_p text Negative ratings [%]
i_messages int Number of incoming messages
i_chats int Number of incoming chats (including not responded)
i_calls int Number of incoming calls (including not answered)
f_chats int Number of finished chats
f_calls int Number of finished calls
created_tickets int Number of tickets
resolved_tickets int Number of resolved tickets
u_chats int Number of unanswered chats
u_calls int Number of unanswered calls
notes int Number of notes
firstAssignAvgTime int First assign average time
firstAssignAvgTimeSla int First assign average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
firstResolveAvgTime int First resolve average time
firstResolveAvgTimeSla int First resolve average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
calls_outgoing int Number of outgoing calls
call_outgoing_seconds int Outgoing calls time (in seconds)
call_outgoing_avg_time int Outgoing calls average time (in seconds)
call_pickup_avg_time int Call pickup average time (in seconds)
call_avg_time int Call average time (in seconds)
calls_internal int Number of internal calls
call_internal_avg_time int Internal calls average time (in seconds)
call_internal_seconds int Internal calls time (in seconds)
o_calls int Number of offline calls

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Performance report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
group_by text Group by time interval (allowed values: hour, day, week, month)

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
performance list Performance list
Field performance has 45 columns:
datetime datetime Date from
dateto datetime Date to
answers int Number of answers
newAnswerAvgTime int New answer average time (in seconds)
newAnswerAvgTimeSla int New answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
nextAnswerAvgTime int Open answer average time (in seconds)
nextAnswerAvgTimeSla int Open answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
chat_answers int Number of chat messages
chats int Number of responded chats
missed_chats int Number of missed chats
chat_pickup int Number of picked up chats
chatPickupAvgTime int Chat pickup average time (in seconds)
chatAvgTime int Average time spent in chat (in seconds)
calls int Number of answered calls
missed_calls int Number of missed calls
call_seconds int Call time total (in seconds)
not_ranked int Number of not rated
not_ranked_p text Not rated [%]
rewards int Number of positive ratings
rewards_p text Positive ratings [%]
punishments int Number of negative ratings
punishments_p text Negative ratings [%]
i_messages int Number of incoming messages
i_chats int Number of incoming chats (including not responded)
i_calls int Number of incoming calls (including not answered)
f_chats int Number of finished chats
f_calls int Number of finished calls
created_tickets int Number of tickets
resolved_tickets int Number of resolved tickets
u_chats int Number of unanswered chats
u_calls int Number of unanswered calls
notes int Number of notes
firstAssignAvgTime int First assign average time
firstAssignAvgTimeSla int First assign average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
firstResolveAvgTime int First resolve average time
firstResolveAvgTimeSla int First resolve average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
calls_outgoing int Number of outgoing calls
call_outgoing_seconds int Outgoing calls time (in seconds)
call_outgoing_avg_time int Outgoing calls average time (in seconds)
call_pickup_avg_time int Call pickup average time (in seconds)
call_avg_time int Call average time (in seconds)
calls_internal int Number of internal calls
call_internal_avg_time int Internal calls average time (in seconds)
call_internal_seconds int Internal calls time (in seconds)
o_calls int Number of offline calls

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <dateto>2014-01-27 23:59:59</dateto>
        "dateto":"2014-01-27 23:59:59",

Tags report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
tags list Tags list
Field tags has 45 columns:
id text Tag identifier
tagName text Tag name
answers int Number of answers
newAnswerAvgTime int New answer average time (in seconds)
newAnswerAvgTimeSla int New answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
nextAnswerAvgTime int Open answer average time (in seconds)
nextAnswerAvgTimeSla int Open answer average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
chat_answers int Number of chat messages
chats int Number of responded chats
missed_chats int Number of missed chats
chat_pickup int Number of picked up chats
chatPickupAvgTime int Chat pickup average time (in seconds)
chatAvgTime int Average time spent in chat (in seconds)
calls int Number of answered calls
missed_calls int Number of missed calls
call_seconds int Call time total (in seconds)
not_ranked int Number of not rated
not_ranked_p text Not rated [%]
rewards int Number of positive ratings
rewards_p text Positive ratings [%]
punishments int Number of negative ratings
punishments_p text Negative ratings [%]
i_messages int Number of incoming messages
i_chats int Number of incoming chats (including not responded)
i_calls int Number of incoming calls (including not answered)
f_chats int Number of finished chats
f_calls int Number of finished calls
created_tickets int Number of tickets
resolved_tickets int Number of resolved tickets
u_chats int Number of unanswered chats
u_calls int Number of unanswered calls
notes int Number of notes
firstAssignAvgTime int First assign average time
firstAssignAvgTimeSla int First assign average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
firstResolveAvgTime int First resolve average time
firstResolveAvgTimeSla int First resolve average time (in seconds) within SLA business hours
calls_outgoing int Number of outgoing calls
call_outgoing_seconds int Outgoing calls time (in seconds)
call_outgoing_avg_time int Outgoing calls average time (in seconds)
call_pickup_avg_time int Call pickup average time (in seconds)
call_avg_time int Call average time (in seconds)
calls_internal int Number of internal calls
call_internal_avg_time int Internal calls average time (in seconds)
call_internal_seconds int Internal calls time (in seconds)
o_calls int Number of offline calls

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Tickets Agent availability report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Narrow the report to specific agent id

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
agentsavailability list Agents availability list
Field agentsavailability has 10 columns:
id int Availability identifier
userid text User identifier
firstname text User first name
lastname text User last name
contactid text Contact identifier
departmentid text Department identifier
department_name text Department name
hours_online text Number of hours online
from_date datetime Date from
to_date datetime Date to

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <from_date>2014-07-24 16:25:06</from_date>
        "from_date":"2014-07-24 16:25:06",

Tickets Load report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Narrow the report to specific agent id

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
loads list Tickets load list
Field loads has 10 columns:
date datetime Date
avgQueue text Average tickets in queue
maxQueue int Maximum tickets in queue
minQueue int Minimum tickets in queue
avgSlots text Average agents
maxSlots int Maximum agents
minSlots int Minimum agents
avgService text Average work in progress tickets
maxService int Maximum work in progress tickets
minService int Minimum work in progress tickets

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date>2014-07-26 15:00:00</date>
        "date":"2014-07-26 15:00:00",

Tickets SLA Compliance report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
datetime text Date constraint (L30D = last 30 days (default), TM = this month, LM = last month, 2014-06 = whole june of 2014)
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
userid text Assigned to user identifier
slalevelid text SLA level identifier

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
slacompliances list SLA Compliances list
Field slacompliances has 9 columns:
date datetime Date
fulfilled int Fulfilled
avgFulfilledTime int Average fulfilled time
maxFulfilledTime int Maximum fulfilled time
minFulfilledTime int Minimum fulfilled time
unfulfilled int Unfulfilled
avgUnfulfilledTime int Average unfulfilled time
maxUnfulfilledTime int Maximum unfulfilled time
minUnfulfilledTime int Minimum unfulfilled time

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date>2014-07-26 15:00:00</date>
        "date":"2014-07-26 15:00:00",

Tickets SLA Log report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrows the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Agent identifier
requesterid text Requester contact identifier
slalevelid text SLA level identifier

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
slalogs list SLA Compliances list
Field slalogs has 20 columns:
id text SLA Log identifier
conversationid text Conversation identifier
code text Conversation code
departmentid text Department identifier
department_name text Department name
levelid text Level identifier
sla_level_name text SLA level name
sla text SLA offset
date_created datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
date_closed datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
server_date_closed datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
date_due datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
server_date_due datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
sla_level_id text SLA level identifier
agentid text Agent identifier
agent_firstname text Agent first name
agent_lastname text Agent last name
req_contactid text Requester contact identifier
req_firstname text Requester first name
req_lastname text Requester last name

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date_created>2014-08-26 09:38:29</date_created>
   <date_closed>2014-08-26 09:42:36</date_closed>
   <server_date_closed>2014-08-26 07:42:36</server_date_closed>
   <date_due>2014-08-26 09:39:29</date_due>
   <server_date_due>2014-08-26 09:39:29</server_date_due>
   <req_firstname>Customer firstname</req_firstname>
   <req_lastname>Customer lastname</req_lastname>
        "date_created":"2014-08-26 09:38:29",
        "date_closed":"2014-08-26 09:42:36",
        "server_date_closed":"2014-08-26 07:42:36",
        "date_due":"2014-08-26 09:39:29",
        "server_date_due":"2014-08-26 09:39:29",
        "req_firstname":"Customer firstname",
        "req_lastname":"Customer lastname"

Chats Agent availability report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Narrow the report to specific agent id

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
agentsavailability list Agents availability list
Field agentsavailability has 10 columns:
id int Availability identifier
userid text User identifier
firstname text User first name
lastname text User last name
contactid text Contact identifier
departmentid text Department identifier
department_name text Department name
hours_online text Number of hours online
from_date datetime Date from
to_date datetime Date to

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <from_date>2014-07-24 16:25:06</from_date>
        "from_date":"2014-07-24 16:25:06",

Chats availability report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Narrow the report to specific agent id

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
availability list Chats availability list
Field availability has 3 columns:
date datetime Date
mins int Availability (in minutes)
pct text Availability (in percentage)

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date>2014-07-26 15:00:00</date>
        "date":"2014-07-26 15:00:00",

Chats Load report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Narrow the report to specific agent id

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
loads list Chats load list
Field loads has 10 columns:
date datetime Date
avgQueue text Average tickets in queue
maxQueue int Maximum tickets in queue
minQueue int Minimum tickets in queue
avgSlots text Average agents
maxSlots int Maximum agents
minSlots int Minimum agents
avgService text Average work in progress tickets
maxService int Maximum work in progress tickets
minService int Minimum work in progress tickets

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date>2014-07-26 15:00:00</date>
        "date":"2014-07-26 15:00:00",

Chats SLA Compliance report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
datetime text Date constraint (L30D = last 30 days (default), TM = this month, LM = last month, 2014-06 = whole june of 2014)
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
userid text Assigned to user identifier
slalevelid text SLA level identifier

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
slacompliances list SLA Compliances list
Field slacompliances has 9 columns:
date datetime Date
fulfilled int Fulfilled
avgFulfilledTime int Average fulfilled time
maxFulfilledTime int Maximum fulfilled time
minFulfilledTime int Minimum fulfilled time
unfulfilled int Unfulfilled
avgUnfulfilledTime int Average unfulfilled time
maxUnfulfilledTime int Maximum unfulfilled time
minUnfulfilledTime int Minimum unfulfilled time

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date>2014-07-26 15:00:00</date>
        "date":"2014-07-26 15:00:00",

Chats SLA log report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrows the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Agent identifier
requesterid text Requester contact identifier
slalevelid text SLA level identifier

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
slalogs list SLA Compliances list
Field slalogs has 20 columns:
id text SLA Log identifier
conversationid text Conversation identifier
code text Conversation code
departmentid text Department identifier
department_name text Department name
levelid text Level identifier
sla_level_name text SLA level name
sla text SLA offset
date_created datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
date_closed datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
server_date_closed datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
date_due datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
server_date_due datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
sla_level_id text SLA level identifier
agentid text Agent identifier
agent_firstname text Agent first name
agent_lastname text Agent last name
req_contactid text Requester contact identifier
req_firstname text Requester first name
req_lastname text Requester last name

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date_created>2014-08-26 09:38:29</date_created>
   <date_closed>2014-08-26 09:42:36</date_closed>
   <server_date_closed>2014-08-26 07:42:36</server_date_closed>
   <date_due>2014-08-26 09:39:29</date_due>
   <server_date_due>2014-08-26 09:39:29</server_date_due>
   <req_firstname>Customer firstname</req_firstname>
   <req_lastname>Customer lastname</req_lastname>
        "date_created":"2014-08-26 09:38:29",
        "date_closed":"2014-08-26 09:42:36",
        "server_date_closed":"2014-08-26 07:42:36",
        "date_due":"2014-08-26 09:39:29",
        "server_date_due":"2014-08-26 09:39:29",
        "req_firstname":"Customer firstname",
        "req_lastname":"Customer lastname"

Calls Agent availability report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Narrow the report to specific agent id

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
agentsavailability list Agents availability list
Field agentsavailability has 10 columns:
id int Availability identifier
userid text User identifier
firstname text User first name
lastname text User last name
contactid text Contact identifier
departmentid text Department identifier
department_name text Department name
hours_online text Number of hours online
from_date datetime Date from
to_date datetime Date to

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <from_date>2014-07-24 16:25:06</from_date>
        "from_date":"2014-07-24 16:25:06",

Calls availability report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Narrow the report to specific agent id

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
availability list Calls availability list
Field availability has 3 columns:
date datetime Date
mins int Availability (in minutes)
pct text Availability (in percentage)

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date>2014-07-26 15:00:00</date>
        "date":"2014-07-26 15:00:00",

Calls Load report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Narrow the report to specific agent id

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
loads list Calls load list
Field loads has 10 columns:
date datetime Date
avgQueue text Average tickets in queue
maxQueue int Maximum tickets in queue
minQueue int Minimum tickets in queue
avgSlots text Average agents
maxSlots int Maximum agents
minSlots int Minimum agents
avgService text Average work in progress tickets
maxService int Maximum work in progress tickets
minService int Minimum work in progress tickets

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date>2014-07-26 15:00:00</date>
        "date":"2014-07-26 15:00:00",

Calls SLA Compliance report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
datetime text Date constraint (L30D = last 30 days (default), TM = this month, LM = last month, 2014-06 = whole june of 2014)
departmentid text Narrow the report to specific department identifier
userid text Assigned to user identifier
slalevelid text SLA level identifier

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
slacompliances list SLA Compliances list
Field slacompliances has 9 columns:
date datetime Date
fulfilled int Fulfilled
avgFulfilledTime int Average fulfilled time
maxFulfilledTime int Maximum fulfilled time
minFulfilledTime int Minimum fulfilled time
unfulfilled int Unfulfilled
avgUnfulfilledTime int Average unfulfilled time
maxUnfulfilledTime int Maximum unfulfilled time
minUnfulfilledTime int Minimum unfulfilled time

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date>2014-07-26 15:00:00</date>
        "date":"2014-07-26 15:00:00",

Calls SLA log report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
departmentid text Narrows the report to specific department identifier
agentid text Agent identifier
requesterid text Requester contact identifier
slalevelid text SLA level identifier

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
slalogs list SLA Compliances list
Field slalogs has 20 columns:
id text SLA Log identifier
conversationid text Conversation identifier
code text Conversation code
departmentid text Department identifier
department_name text Department name
levelid text Level identifier
sla_level_name text SLA level name
sla text SLA offset
date_created datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
date_closed datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
server_date_closed datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
date_due datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
server_date_due datetime Minimum unfulfilled time
sla_level_id text SLA level identifier
agentid text Agent identifier
agent_firstname text Agent first name
agent_lastname text Agent last name
req_contactid text Requester contact identifier
req_firstname text Requester first name
req_lastname text Requester last name

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <date_created>2014-08-26 09:38:29</date_created>
   <date_closed>2014-08-26 09:42:36</date_closed>
   <server_date_closed>2014-08-26 07:42:36</server_date_closed>
   <date_due>2014-08-26 09:39:29</date_due>
   <server_date_due>2014-08-26 09:39:29</server_date_due>
   <req_firstname>Customer firstname</req_firstname>
   <req_lastname>Customer lastname</req_lastname>
        "date_created":"2014-08-26 09:38:29",
        "date_closed":"2014-08-26 09:42:36",
        "server_date_closed":"2014-08-26 07:42:36",
        "date_due":"2014-08-26 09:39:29",
        "server_date_due":"2014-08-26 09:39:29",
        "req_firstname":"Customer firstname",
        "req_lastname":"Customer lastname"

Ranking agents report

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
date_from datetime Date from (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 00:00:00)
date_to datetime Date to (format: YYYY-MM-DD, eg: 2014-01-24 or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2014-01-24 23:59:59)
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
columns text Columns (comma delimeted) to be returned (see return fields)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number
agentid text Agent contact identifier
contactid text Contact user identifier
types text Comma-separated rating type identifiers (allowed values: W - positive, P - negative)

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
ranks list List of agents' ratings
Field ranks has 11 columns:
id text Rating identifier
rankingType text Rating type (W = positive, P = negative)
datecreated datetime Date created
conversationid text Conversation identifier
agentcontactid text Agent identifier
agentEmail text Agent email
agent text Agent full name
contactid text Requester identifier
requesterEmail text Requester email
requester text Requester full name
comment text Rating comment

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <datecreated>2014-08-26 07:06:30</datecreated>
   <agent>Agent Name</agent>
   <requester>Customer Name</requester>
        "datecreated":"2014-08-26 07:06:30",
        "agent":"Agent Name",
        "requester":"Customer Name",

Suggestion categories

Retrieves all suggestion categories

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
suggestioncategories list List of categories
Field suggestioncategories has 3 columns:
id text Id of the category
title text Title of the category
path text Path of the category

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <path>Product1 / Suggestion</path>
   <path>Product2 / Ideas</path>
        "path":"Product1 \/ Suggestion"
        "path":"Product2 \/ Ideas"


Remove tag

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_delete_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_delete_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[tagid] text Tag ID
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Retrieve a list of all available tags

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
tags list The list of tags.
Field tags has 2 columns:
id text An identifier of the tag.
name text A name of the tag.

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Retrieve tag info

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[tagid] text Tag ID
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
id text Id of tag
name text Name of the tag
color text Color for title
bg_color text Color for background

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Add tag

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'name' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'color' => '...',
        'bg_color' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
name text Name of the tag
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
color text Color for name
bg_color text Color for background

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request
id text Id of tag
name text Name of tag
color text Color for name
bg_color text Color for background

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Change tag

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as PUT fields.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
$curl_put_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'name' => '...',
        'color' => '...',
        'bg_color' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_put_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[tagid] text Tag ID
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
name text Name of the tag
color text Color for name
bg_color text Color for background

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
status text OK
statuscode int Status code of executed request

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


Retrieve all widgets

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
provide text Load widgets by provide
departmentid text Load widgets by departmentid
rtype constlist Load widgets by type (Possible values: C - Chat button, O - Contact form, U - Invitation html, M - Invitation image, G - Chat window, B - Contact form, K - Search, W - Knowledge base, S - Suggest button, P - Twilio button)
usecode constlist Load widgets by usecode (Possible values: N - Online, F - Offline, B - Both)
status constlist Load widgets by status (Possible values: A - Active, C - Create, I - Inactive, F - Offline, N - Online)
limitcount int Max count of returned rows (Max allowed value is 1000, Default value is 100)
limitfrom int Start from specified row number

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
widgets list Contact widgets list
Field widgets has 23 columns:
contactwidgetid text Widget ID
name text Widget name
provide text Provides services
departmentid text Department ID
kb_id text Knowledge base ID
rtype constlist Type (Possible values: C - Chat button, O - Contact form, U - Invitation html, M - Invitation image, G - Chat window, B - Contact form, K - Search, W - Knowledge base, S - Suggest button, P - Twilio button)
usecode constlist Use code (Possible values: N - Online, F - Offline, B - Both)
status constlist Status (Possible values: A - Active, C - Create, I - Inactive, F - Offline, N - Online)
description text Description
impressions text Impressions
tickets text Tickets
language text Language
last_display_time datetime Last display time
last_display_url text Last display url
onlinecode html Online code
onlinecode_ieold html Online code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
offlinecode html Offline code
offlinecode_ieold html Offline code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
onlinecode_css html Online CSS code
onlinecode_ieold_css html Online CSS code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
offlinecode_css html Offline CSS code
offlinecode_ieold_css html Offline CSS code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
integration_code html Integration HTML code

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
   <description>description of widget no 1</description>
   <last_display_time>2022-06-13 14:41:41</last_display_time>
   <description>description of widget no 2</description>
   <last_display_time>2022-06-13 14:41:41</last_display_time>
        "description":"description of widget no 1",
        "last_display_time":"2022-06-13 14:41:41",
        "description":"description of widget no 2",
        "last_display_time":"2022-06-13 14:41:41",

Retrieve widget

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[contactwidgetid] text  
apikey text API key

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
contactwidgetid text Widget contact id
name text Widget name
provide text Provides services
departmentid text Department id
rtype constlist Type (Possible values: C - Chat button, O - Contact form, U - Invitation html, M - Invitation image, G - Chat window, B - Contact form, K - Search, W - Knowledge base, S - Suggest button, P - Twilio button)
usecode constlist Usecode (Possible values: N - Online, F - Offline, B - Both)
status constlist Status (Possible values: A - Active, C - Create, I - Inactive, F - Offline, N - Online)
kb_id text Knowledge base id
description text Description
impressions int Impressions
tickets int Number of created tickets
language text Language
last_display_time datetime Last display time
last_display_url text Last display url
onlinecode html Online code
onlinecode_ieold html Online code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
offlinecode html Offline code
offlinecode_ieold html Offline code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
onlinecode_css html Online CSS code
onlinecode_ieold_css html Online CSS code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
offlinecode_css html Offline CSS code
offlinecode_ieold_CSS html Offline CSS code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
integration_code html Integration HTML code
attributes list Widget attributes
Field attributes has 3 columns:
name text Attribute name
section text Attribute section
value text Attribute Value
form_fields list Widget form fields
Field form_fields has 9 columns:
formid text Widget form id
code text Widget form field code
name text Widget form field name
description text Widget form field description
validator text Widget form field validator
visibility text Widget form field visibility
rtype text Widget form field type
rstatus text Widget form field status
availablevalues text Widget form field available values

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <description>description of widget no 1</description>
 <last_display_time>2022-06-13 14:41:41</last_display_time>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html online code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html online ieold code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html offline code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html offline ieold code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<script type="text/javascript">
  (function(d, src, c) { var t=d.scripts[d.scripts.length - 1],s=d.createElement('script');'la_x2s6df8d';s.async=true;s.src=src;s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=function(){var rs=this.readyState;if(rs&&(rs!='complete')&&(rs!='loaded')){return;}c(this);};t.parentElement.insertBefore(s,t.nextSibling);})(document,
  function(e){ LiveAgent.createButton('widget02', e); });
    "description":"description of widget no 1",
    "last_display_time":"2022-06-13 14:41:41",
    "onlinecode":"<span>Example Html online code<\/span>",
    "onlinecode_ieold":"<span>Example Html online ieold code<\/span>",
    "offlinecode":"<span>Example Html offline code<\/span>",
    "offlinecode_ieold":"<span>Example Html offline ieold code<\/span>",
    "integration_code":"<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n(function(d,
     c) {
       var t=d.scripts[
        d.scripts.length - 1
        var rs=this.readyState;if(rs&&(rs!='complete')&&(rs!='loaded')){

Add widget

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as POST fields.
$ch = curl_init();
$curl_post_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'name' => '...',
        'provide' => '...',
        'departmentid' => '...',
        'rtype' => '...',
        'usecode' => '...',
        'status' => '...',
        'attributes' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'kb_id' => '...',
        'description' => '...',
        'language' => '...',
        'last_display_time' => '...',
        'last_display_url' => '...',
        'onlinecode' => '...',
        'onlinecode_ieold' => '...',
        'offlinecode' => '...',
        'offlinecode_ieold' => '...',
        'onlinecode_css' => '...',
        'onlinecode_ieold_css' => '...',
        'offlinecode_css' => '...',
        'offlinecode_ieold_css' => '...',
        'form_fields' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data);
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
name text Widget name
provide text Provides services
departmentid text Department ID
rtype constlist Type (Possible values: C - Chat button, O - Contact form, U - Invitation html, M - Invitation image, G - Chat window, B - Contact form, K - Search, W - Knowledge base, S - Suggest button, P - Twilio button)
usecode constlist Use code (Possible values: N - Online, F - Offline, B - Both)
status constlist Status (Possible values: A - Active, C - Create, I - Inactive, F - Offline, N - Online)
attributes text Widget attributes
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
kb_id text Knowledge base ID
description text Description
language text Language
last_display_time text Last display time
last_display_url text Last display url
onlinecode text Online code
onlinecode_ieold text Online code ieold
offlinecode text Offline code
offlinecode_ieold text Offline code ieold
onlinecode_css text Online CSS code
onlinecode_ieold_css text Online CSS code ieold
offlinecode_css text Offline CSS code
offlinecode_ieold_css text Offline CSS code ieold
form_fields text Widget form fields

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
contactwidgetid text Widget contact id
name text Widget name
provide text Provides services
departmentid text Department id
rtype constlist Type (Possible values: C - Chat button, O - Contact form, U - Invitation html, M - Invitation image, G - Chat window, B - Contact form, K - Search, W - Knowledge base, S - Suggest button, P - Twilio button)
usecode constlist Usecode (Possible values: N - Online, F - Offline, B - Both)
status constlist Status (Possible values: A - Active, C - Create, I - Inactive, F - Offline, N - Online)
kb_id text Knowledge base id
description text Description
impressions int Impressions
tickets int Number of created tickets
language text Language
last_display_time datetime Last display time
last_display_url text Last display url
onlinecode html Online code
onlinecode_ieold html Online code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
offlinecode html Offline code
offlinecode_ieold html Offline code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
onlinecode_css html Online CSS code
onlinecode_ieold_css html Online CSS code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
offlinecode_css html Offline CSS code
offlinecode_ieold_CSS html Offline CSS code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
integration_code html Integration HTML code
attributes list Widget attributes
Field attributes has 3 columns:
name text Attribute name
section text Attribute section
value text Attribute Value
form_fields list Widget form fields
Field form_fields has 9 columns:
formid text Widget form id
code text Widget form field code
name text Widget form field name
description text Widget form field description
validator text Widget form field validator
visibility text Widget form field visibility
rtype text Widget form field type
rstatus text Widget form field status
availablevalues text Widget form field available values

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <description>description of widget no 1</description>
 <last_display_time>2022-06-13 14:41:41</last_display_time>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html online code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html online ieold code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html offline code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html offline ieold code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<script type="text/javascript">
  (function(d, src, c) { var t=d.scripts[d.scripts.length - 1],s=d.createElement('script');'la_x2s6df8d';s.async=true;s.src=src;s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=function(){var rs=this.readyState;if(rs&&(rs!='complete')&&(rs!='loaded')){return;}c(this);};t.parentElement.insertBefore(s,t.nextSibling);})(document,
  function(e){ LiveAgent.createButton('widget02', e); });
    "description":"description of widget no 1",
    "last_display_time":"2022-06-13 14:41:41",
    "onlinecode":"<span>Example Html online code<\/span>",
    "onlinecode_ieold":"<span>Example Html online ieold code<\/span>",
    "offlinecode":"<span>Example Html offline code<\/span>",
    "offlinecode_ieold":"<span>Example Html offline ieold code<\/span>",
    "integration_code":"<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n(function(d,
     c) {
       var t=d.scripts[
        d.scripts.length - 1
        var rs=this.readyState;if(rs&&(rs!='complete')&&(rs!='loaded')){

Change widget

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
Note: You must send parameters for this call as PUT fields.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
$curl_put_data = array(
        /* These are mandatory params */
        'name' => '...',
        'provide' => '...',
        'departmentid' => '...',
        'rtype' => '...',
        'usecode' => '...',
        'status' => '...',
        'attributes' => '...',
        'form_fields' => '...',
        'apikey' => '...',
        /* ...and these are optional */
        'kb_id' => '...',
        'description' => '...',
        'language' => '...',
        'last_display_time' => '...',
        'last_display_url' => '...',
        'onlinecode' => '...',
        'onlinecode_ieold' => '...',
        'offlinecode' => '...',
        'offlinecode_ieold' => '...',
        'onlinecode_css' => '...',
        'onlinecode_ieold_css' => '...',
        'offlinecode_css' => '...',
        'offlinecode_ieold_css' => '...',
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,http_build_query($curl_put_data));
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
[contactwidgetid] text  
name text Widget name
provide text Provides services
departmentid text Department ID
rtype constlist Type (Possible values: C - Chat button, O - Contact form, U - Invitation html, M - Invitation image, G - Chat window, B - Contact form, K - Search, W - Knowledge base, S - Suggest button, P - Twilio button)
usecode constlist Use code (Possible values: N - Online, F - Offline, B - Both)
status constlist Status (Possible values: A - Active, C - Create, I - Inactive, F - Offline, N - Online)
attributes json Widget attributes
form_fields json Widget form fields
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
kb_id text Knowledge base ID
description text Description
language text Language
last_display_time text Last display time
last_display_url text Last display url
onlinecode text Online code
onlinecode_ieold text Online code ieold
offlinecode text Offline code
offlinecode_ieold text Offline code ieold
onlinecode_css text Online CSS code
onlinecode_ieold_css text Online CSS code ieold
offlinecode_css text Offline CSS code
offlinecode_ieold_css text Offline code CSS ieold

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
contactwidgetid text Widget contact id
name text Widget name
provide text Provides services
departmentid text Department id
rtype constlist Type (Possible values: C - Chat button, O - Contact form, U - Invitation html, M - Invitation image, G - Chat window, B - Contact form, K - Search, W - Knowledge base, S - Suggest button, P - Twilio button)
usecode constlist Usecode (Possible values: N - Online, F - Offline, B - Both)
status constlist Status (Possible values: A - Active, C - Create, I - Inactive, F - Offline, N - Online)
kb_id text Knowledge base id
description text Description
impressions int Impressions
tickets int Number of created tickets
language text Language
last_display_time datetime Last display time
last_display_url text Last display url
onlinecode html Online code
onlinecode_ieold html Online code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
offlinecode html Offline code
offlinecode_ieold html Offline code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
onlinecode_css html Online CSS code
onlinecode_ieold_css html Online CSS code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
offlinecode_css html Offline CSS code
offlinecode_ieold_CSS html Offline CSS code for Internet Explorer 9.0 or older.
integration_code html Integration HTML code
attributes list Widget attributes
Field attributes has 3 columns:
name text Attribute name
section text Attribute section
value text Attribute Value
form_fields list Widget form fields
Field form_fields has 9 columns:
formid text Widget form id
code text Widget form field code
name text Widget form field name
description text Widget form field description
validator text Widget form field validator
visibility text Widget form field visibility
rtype text Widget form field type
rstatus text Widget form field status
availablevalues text Widget form field available values

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <description>description of widget no 1</description>
 <last_display_time>2022-06-13 14:41:41</last_display_time>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html online code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html online ieold code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html offline code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<span>Example Html offline ieold code</span>]]>
  <![CDATA[<script type="text/javascript">
  (function(d, src, c) { var t=d.scripts[d.scripts.length - 1],s=d.createElement('script');'la_x2s6df8d';s.async=true;s.src=src;s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=function(){var rs=this.readyState;if(rs&&(rs!='complete')&&(rs!='loaded')){return;}c(this);};t.parentElement.insertBefore(s,t.nextSibling);})(document,
  function(e){ LiveAgent.createButton('widget02', e); });
    "description":"description of widget no 1",
    "last_display_time":"2022-06-13 14:41:41",
    "onlinecode":"<span>Example Html online code<\/span>",
    "onlinecode_ieold":"<span>Example Html online ieold code<\/span>",
    "offlinecode":"<span>Example Html offline code<\/span>",
    "offlinecode_ieold":"<span>Example Html offline ieold code<\/span>",
    "integration_code":"<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n(function(d,
     c) {
       var t=d.scripts[
        d.scripts.length - 1
        var rs=this.readyState;if(rs&&(rs!='complete')&&(rs!='loaded')){



Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
department text Department identifier

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
chatsOverview list Overview of chats
Field chatsOverview has 5 columns:
visitors int Number of visitors
chats int Number of running chats
ringing int Number of ringing chats
queue int Number of chats in queue
agents int Number of agents available for chat

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Phone calls

Avaliable from application version:

Example call
  • General
  • PHP
$ch = curl_init();
if ($curl_response === false) {
    $info = curl_error($ch);
    die("error occurred during curl exec. Additional info: " . var_export($info, true));
/* process $curl_response here */

Mandatory parameters

Name Type Description
apikey text API key

Optional parameters

Name Type Description
department text Department identifier

Call response description

Return fields

Name Type Description
callsOverview list Overview of calls
Field callsOverview has 3 columns:
running int Number of running calls
ringing int Number of ringing calls
inqueue int Number of calls in queue

Example responses
  • XML
  • JSON
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>