The SLA log is a record of closed SLA times applied to tickets, chats, or calls. The log retains only records for those SLA types that were fulfilled and closed, ongoing (e.g. First answer type in case of ticket in New status) or not fulfilled SLA types (e.g. the First answer type in case of resolving a new ticket) are not included in this log.

The SLA log can be accessed in the Tickets, Chats, or Calls section in the Reports section.

SLA log values

Each entry in the SLA log contains the following values:

  • Requester - the owner of the ticket associated with the record.
  • Ticket - the ID of the ticket for which the record was generated.
  • Department - the department to which the ticket was assigned when the record was created.
  • Agent - the agent to whom the ticket was assigned when the record was generated.
  • Level - the name of the SLA level that was attributed to the ticket when the record was generated.
  • SLA started - the date and time when the SLA time started counting.
  • Due date - the date and time when the given SLA type was to be fulfilled to avoid being overdue. It is calculated based on the Started time and the time defined in the attributed SLA level for the given SLA type. The due date for the First & Next answer SLA type is not extended by the time a ticket spends postponed, meaning the first and next answer SLA times are still being counted. The due date for the First resolve SLA type is extended extended by the time a ticket spends answered, meaning this SLA time is counted only when the customer is waiting for support, it is not counted when support is waiting for customer.
  • Closed - the date and time when the SLA type was fulfilled.
  • SLA type - the type of the SLA time that was closed for which the record was created.
  • SLA Status - the remaining or overdue time of the given SLA type, calculated based on the Due date and Closed date. The orange indicator displays the remaining time of the given SLA type, and the red indicator displays how long the given SLA type was overdue when the record was closed.

Tickets SLA log

The tickets SLA log contains records for the following SLA time types:

  • First answer - time limit for answering a ticket in New status, including marking the ticket as answered. This SLA type time starts counting when a new ticket is created and is closed when the ticket changes status from New to Answered. Resolving a New ticket won't log this record.
  • Next answer - time limit for answering a ticket in Open status, including marking the ticket as answered. Each time a ticket is reopened, either by a new message in the ticket or by an agent/system, a new Next answer time starts counting. This SLA type time starts counting when a ticket is reopened and is closed when the ticket changes status from Open to Answered. Resolving an Open ticket won't log this record.
  • First assign - time limit for assigning a ticket to an agent for the first time. This SLA type time starts counting when a ticket is created and is closed when the ticket is assigned to an agent, regardless of the ticket's status.
  • First resolve - time limit for resolving a ticket for the first time. This SLA type time starts counting when a ticket is created, pauses while the ticket is in any other state than New or Open (except Postponed status if the ticket was postponed from New or Open status), and is closed when the ticket is resolved.

Chats SLA log

The chats SLA log contains records for the Chat answer SLA type time. The Chat answer SLA type time starts counting when a new chat is initiated by the customer (but not by an agent by inviting a visitor to chat from the Chats overview section) via a chat button or by accepting a chat invitation (including time spent in the queue) and is closed when the chat is picked up by an agent.

Calls SLA log

The calls SLA log contains records for the Call answer SLA type time. The Call answer SLA type time starts counting when a new call is initiated (including time spent in the queue, but not in IVR) and is closed when the call is picked up by an agent.
