Agents' ratings report section

If you have the Ranking feature active, the Agents' ratings section is accessible in the Reports. Here, you can view all ratings and comments provided by customers for your agents.

Access to this report is restricted to owners, administrators, and agents who have been assigned custom roles with the "View rankings of other agents" permission. Regular agents do not have this access. The report can be accessed even if the "View reports" permission has not been granted to the custom role.

The Agents' ratings report gives you detailed information such as the customer who left the rating, the agent who received the rating, the rating value, and any comment left by the customer (if there is any).

You also have the option to view the ticket related to a particular rating by clicking on the Eye icon in the Actions column. An agent with a custom role can only view tickets in departments he has access to. If the agent does not have access to the department, the "You don't have permissions to view this ticket." message will appear.

Additionally, you can also invalidate a rating by clicking on the X button next to the rating. Invalidating a rating removes the rating from the ticket and reports, but it will remain in the Agents' ratings section, though it will be grayed out. You can still view the ticket associated with this rating. The rating will remain in this section even if the related ticket is deleted and purged. See the "Invalidating ratings" paragraph in this article for an example.

The Invalidate option is available only for owners, admins, and agents with custom roles with the "Invalidate ticket review" permission, agents without this permission won't see this option, even if they have access to the Agents' ratings section.

Ratings-related metrics in reports

LiveAgent provides several metrics related to ratings in various reports and gamification:

Not rated - number of not rated ended chats, where the customer did not give any rating and closed the chat window. Does not count if the customer does not close the chat window but closes the page/browser right away.

Not rated % - percentage of not rated chats compared to all rated ticket answers & chats. For example, if all agents got 3 positive, 2 semi-positive, 1 negative, and 1 "not rated" ratings, the percentage number is 14%.

Positive ratings - number of positive & semi-positive ratings given by customers to agents after an ended chat or from the customer portal.

Positive ratings % - percentage of given positive & semi-positive ratings compared to all rated ticket answers & chats, including chats counted as "Not rated". For example, if all agents got 3 positive, 2 semi-positive, 1 negative, and 1 "not rated" ratings, the percentage number is 71%.

Negative ratings - number of negative ratings given by customers to agents after an ended chat or from the customer portal.

Negative ratings % - percentage of given negative ratings compared to all rated ticket answers & chats, including chats counted as "Not rated". For example, if all agents got 3 positive, 2 semi-positive, 1 negative, and 1 "not rated" ratings, the percentage number is 14%.

Each chat session or ticket answer can be rated separately, therefore a single ticket can be rated multiple times.
