Reports section overview

The menu Reports section provides insight into various statistics and analytics available in the panel.

The are the following sub-sections of the Reports section:

  • Analytics overview - Section displaying various quick reports.
  • Performance report - The Performance report displays the performance of your whole company. It can be also additionally filtered by specific departments, channels, or specific support agents. It is logging various actions performed by customers, agents, or the system itself.
  • Agent report - The Agent report displays the same statistics as the performance report, but is divided per agent.
  • Ticket history - The Ticket history section displays the history of tickets' status changes, transfers, or assigns.
  • Department report - The Department report displays the same statistics as the performance report, but is divided per each department.
  • Channel report - The Channel report displays the same statistics as the performance report, but is divided per communication channel (emails, chats, calls, Facebook messages, WhatsApp messages, etc.). 
  • Tag report - The Tag report displays the same statistics as the performance report, but is divided per each tag. Statistics are counted only if a specific tag is present in the ticket before the action is taken, read more here.
  • Agents' ratings - The Agents' ratings section is available only if you have the Ranking feature active. Here, you can view all ratings and comments provided by customers for your agents.
  • Tickets
    • Ticket load - The Ticket load section displays statistics about the number of open tickets, available agents, and tickets being solved at specific times.
    • Agent availability - The Agent availability section displays the exact times of each day when specific agents and for which departments were available for the ticketing service.
    • SLA compliance - The SLA compliance section displays general statistics about fulfilled or missed SLA level times related to tickets (first/next answer, first assign, & first resolve) at specific times.
    • SLA log - The SLA log section displays details about each closed SLA type applied to every ticket and its details.
  • Chats
    • Chat load - The Chat load section displays statistics about the amount of available chat slots, ongoing chats, and customers waiting in chat queue at specific times.
    • Chat availability - The Chat availability section displays the exact times of each day when the chatting service was available, meaning there was at least 1 agent available for chats.
    • Agent availability - The Agent availability section displays the exact times of each day when specific agents and for which departments were available for chats.
    • SLA log - The SLA log section displays details about each closed SLA type applied to every chat and its details.
    • SLA compliance - The SLA compliance section displays general statistics about fulfilled or missed SLA level times related to chats (chat answer) at specific times.
  • Calls
    • Call load - The Call load section displays statistics about the amount of available call slots, ongoing calls, and customers waiting in call queue at specific times.
    • Call availability - The Call availability section displays the exact times of each day when the call center service was available, meaning there was at least 1 agent available for calls.
    • Agent availability - The Agent availability section displays the exact times of each day when specific agents and for which departments were available for calls.
    • SLA compliance - The SLA compliance section displays general statistics about fulfilled or missed SLA level times related to calls (call answer) at specific times.
    • SLA log - The SLA log section displays details about each closed SLA type applied to every call and its details.
  • My work report - The My work report section displays your personal Performance report statistics.