Work reports for each individual agent are crucial when you need to know how much time has been spent on tasks, how many chats have been answered, or even how many customers were satisfied (and how many were not). You can find this kind of report in LiveAgent in the section called Agent Report.
As you can see in the screenshot below, the window shows per agent data. You can see for example worktime for the selected time frame, so you know exactly how much to pay them for their work. You can see how hard agents are working on chats (using the chats per hour stat). The graph above the list can show one or two lines of data, and you can choose what to show from the below list (e.g. rewards and punishes; chats and answers are displayed by default).

As you can see in the screenshot below, the window shows per agent data. You can see for example worktime for the selected time frame, so you know exactly how much to pay them for their work. You can see how hard agents are working on chats (using the chats per hour stat). The graph above the list can show one or two lines of data, and you can choose what to show from the below list (e.g. rewards and punishes; chats and answers are displayed by default).
Explanations on different columns can be found in this article.
There is also a special section for agents where they can see their own personal report. They can see time spent on tasks, chats, their rewards or punishes. The agent can view their performance report by clicking in the top right corner of their screen and selecting "Edit Profile", then selecting "Performance Report."
Here you can also click on a specific day to see when the agent was online/paused/offline.
Explanations on different columns can be found in this article.