How to automatically assign a ticket to an agent who forwarded it

LiveAgent allows you to forward ticket item messages to different email addresses instead of replying to a message of a ticket. This feature is particularly helpful when you want to share the customer's message with a third party. When an agent forwards a ticket message a new ticket is created to separate the communication.

If you'd like to automatically assign the newly created ticket, you can create the following rule in Configuration > Automation > Rules:

  • Trigger "Apply when":
    • agent opened ticket
  • Conditions "And all these conditions are met":
    • ticket status > Answered
    • ticket assigned > to > Nobody
    • ticket subject > contains > Fwd:
  • Action "Perform action":
    • transfer ticket > same department > last agent viewing ticket

If you would like to automatically reopen the new ticket that was forwarded, turn off the "Keep ticket state" option in the rule action. If you want to keep the forwarded ticket in Answered status, leave the "Keep ticket state" option active.

The essential part of this rule is the "ticket subject" condition that checks whether the ticket contains "Fwd:" (abbreviation of Forward:) in the ticket's subject. The Fwd: part is by default automatically generated by the Forward message email template. If you've changed the default Fwd: string in the email template (Configuration > Email > Customer Templates > Forward message), update also the "ticket subject" rule condition accordingly.

