How to automatically assign a ticket to an agent who forwarded it

LiveAgent allows you to [forward ticket item messages]( to different email addresses instead of replying to a message of a ticket. This feature is particularly helpful when you want to share the customer's message with a third party. When an agent forwards a ticket message a new ticket is created to separate the communication. If you'd like to automatically assign the newly created ticket, you can create the following rule in Configurat...

How to use Slack mentions in rules

Overview Slack is a popular team communication tool. Our integration plugin allows you to send custom notifications to your Slack workspace using rules. When creating a rule in LiveAgent you will see an option called "send Slack message" in the action part of the rule. This allows you to trigger a Slack notification whenever rule conditions are met. The notification can be either sent to a specific channel in your Slack workspace or to a specific user of your Slack workspace. Let's take a look...

Custom Slack notifications via rules

Our Build-in Slack notifications ( for agents are great but what makes the Slack integration really powerful is the ability to build custom notifications using LiveAgent rules ( When creating a rule in LiveAgent you will see an option called "send Slack message" in the action part of the rule. This allows you to trigger a Slack notification whenever rule conditions are met. ...

How to collect call stats with after call questionnaire

If you would like your agents to fill out a form/questionnaire after each call, here is a tip how you can set it up in LiveAgent Create a questionnaire/form - You can easily use any type of forms, I would advice using Google forms ( Useful tip: You can get a pre-filled link, prefill some example answers and later in the generated link replace those answers with LiveAgent variables Create a new Rule - Create a rule (https://support.liveagent...

How to automatically fill a custom ticket/contact field

There are various use cases when you might want to automatically fill a ticket's or contact's field with a value you've received from your customer. For example, you have a form built with a 3rd party system that sends you the submissions via email and you are fetching these emails into LiveAgent and you want to update the LiveAgent fields with the values from the submission. To achieve this you can create a rule under Configuration->Automation->Rules like this one: The rule will look in...

Using Contact Groups to Answer VIP Customers Faster

A lot of times you want to separate special customers from standard customers. E.g. customers who ordered something - you want to answer them quicker, or you want to automatically move them to a special department where your agents are trained for installations or so... This is possible using the Contact groups feature. Let say, you want to create a VIP group and answer these users with a higher priority. The first step is to create a group (in Configuration> Automation> Contact groups)...

How to send a transcript to an external address after chat/call is ended

Many of our clients would like to receive the transcript of either chat or call ( after it ends, though this possibility was mostly available for customers only. However you can create a rule, that would automatically send transcripts directly to the predefined email address specified in the rule. All you need to do is to create a rule, that would send an email to mail address you define after chat/call is ended using the {$lastMessageFromRequeste...

How to display notification to all admins when sending of email failed

Many of our clients would like to get notification when there is a problem or error during the sending out email answer from LiveAgent. However you can create a rule (, that would automatically display notification directly to all admins logged in LiveAgent with text specified in the rule. All you need to do is to create a rule, that would send an notification to active admins logged in agent panel. Let us provide you with the example screenshot of...

How to get tickets created by specific agent

We had a question about how can an agent get list of all the tickets he has created in the system by going to New->New ticket. There isn't any direct functionality for this, however it can be easily achieved by a combination of our Tags ( feature and the powerful automated Rules ( feature. There are 2 easy steps to follow : * create a tag in Configuration->Automation->Tags for each of your agents. So...

How to send automatic reply to customer after a ticket is created

Some customers lack a feature in LiveAgent to send out confirmation emails when a customer creates a ticket. Fortunately, you can easily create an autoresponder using the rules engine ( There are 2 profiles (apply when) options that you can use depending on whether you want to use an autoresponder on all new tickets (so even tickets from contact forms) or only on email tickets: - Ticket created - Ticket created from email NOTE: With the "Tick...

How to tag a ticket as urgent based on the value of custom field

Sometimes you might want to allow your customers to mark the being submitted issue as urgent when submitting the issue through a contact form ( Let's see how to accomplish that scenario. First of all you have to add a new field to a contact form of yours when creating/editing your form After the field is added set it to be of type of 'checkbox' Once the form is equipped with the desired custom field you have to submit a test ...

How to keep ticket open after calling a customer

After an agent makes a phone call ( inside an Open or New ticket the ticket gets automatically resolved as the phone call is ended. Some customers do not like this so if you are like them here is an example of automated rules ( which can prevent this from happening. First of all create some tag ( called for example Reopen call and then create similar rules like the ...

How to increase priority of a ticket

If you wish to allow your agents to change the priority/importance of a ticket, then you will utilize our Tags ( and Rules ( features. First you will need to create a Tag. When this tag is added to a ticket it will change its priority accordingly. Log in to your LiveAgent administrator panel and go to Configuration->Automation->Tags section and create your tag there. Name it and set its colour and save ...

How to resend (BCC) all your agents replies to external email address

A few customers have asked us whether LiveAgent is capable of resending all the emails sent by your agents and admins to your customers to some external email address. There isn't any direct option for that in LiveAgent but it is doable by setting up a rule ( You need to go to Configuration->Automation->Rules and create a new rule as depicted on the screenshot:

How to automatically assign a ticket to agent who opened it

If you want for example only one agent to work on a ticket, you can create a rule which automatically assign a ticket to agent who opened it. You can use 'agent opened ticket' rule profile and add a condition that the ticket must not be assigned to anyone in order to be automatically assigned by this rule. That's it ! :)

How to automatically assign a ticket to agent after reply

Even though we don't really think this is a good idea quite a lot of customers asked for such an option so here is an example how this can be achieved with a rule ( We still however recommend using the To solve ( functionality and setting it up with the "Prioritize last agent" algorithm. To do so, navigate to Configuration --> System --> General --> Scroll to the "To solve" section If you a...