How to use Slack mentions in rules


Slack is a popular team communication tool. Our integration plugin allows you to send custom notifications to your Slack workspace using rules. When creating a rule in LiveAgent you will see an option called "send Slack message" in the action part of the rule. This allows you to trigger a Slack notification whenever rule conditions are met. The notification can be either sent to a specific channel in your Slack workspace or to a specific user of your Slack workspace.

Let's take a look at a few examples of mentions supported by Slack that we find useful for our support team.

Simple Slack notification rule without mentioning

Below you can see an example of a simple Slack notification rule sending a message to a pre-defined Channel.

Alerting the channel

To alert all members of the channel (active or not) where the message comes add <!channel>

<!channel> *Please help with chats!* - {$chatQueueLength} people are waiting in the queue.

Other options:

<!here> - notifies only the active members of a channel
<!everyone> - notifies every person in the #general channel (i.e. every non-guest member of a workspace).

Mentioning a user

To mention a specific user in the automated message add  <@userID> where userID is the unique ID of the user you wish to mention. You can find the unique user ID in the user details by clicking the Copy user ID button.

<@U12FF20D> *Please help with chats!* - {$chatQueueLength} people are waiting in the queue.

Mentioning a different channel

To mention a different channel in the automated message add  <@channelID> where channelID is the unique ID of the channel you wish to mention. You can find the unique channel ID in the channel details > About > Scroll down to the bottom.

<@C0E7EA2JD> *Please help with chats!* - {$chatQueueLength} people are waiting in the queue.

Mentioning a user group

To mention a specific user group in the automated message add <!subteam^ID|handle> where subteam is literal text, ID is the ID of the user group and handle is the name of the user group you wish to mention. You can find the group ID in the user group details.

<!subteam^F5HZ9I7C|sales> *Please help with chats!* - {$chatQueueLength} people are waiting in the queue.

Additional text stylings

Below, you can see additional styles supported by Slack that can be defined directly in the rule:

Bold - surround text with asterisks:

*your text*

Italic - surround text with underscores:

_your text_

Strikethrough - surround text with tildes:

~your text~

 | Quote - add angled brackets (>) before text:

> Quote one sentence

>>> Quote multiple sentences

 Inline code  - surround text with backtick symbols (`):

`Format one word or one line`

```Format blocks of text```

To create a link, use the following format:

<|visible part of link>