Rules create predefined actions that are automatically assigned to tickets. If the rule's conditions are met, the action is performed. In this article, you'll see a full list of all available rules' triggers, conditions, and actions with a short description and example for better understanding.

List of rule triggers -
The rule takes action when a user (owner/admin/agent) closes a ticket he was viewing. The rule is not triggered if the user simply switches to another ticket or section of the agent panel.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to notify the agent that he closes a ticket without a required action (for example, without tagging the ticket). -
The rule takes action when a user (owner/admin/agent) opens a ticket. The rule is not triggered if the user simply switches to another (already opened/viewing) ticket.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to assign a ticket to the agent who opened it first. -
The rule takes action when a user (owner/admin/agent) is rated after a chat or if the recipient rates his response within a ticket. The rule is not triggered if the customer refuses to rate or leaves a neutral rating.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to TAG a ticket based on the customer's rating. -
The rule takes action when a user (owner/admin/agent) picks up a chat (chat started). The rule is not triggered while the chat is only ringing.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to TAG the chat (ticket) if the customer belongs to a specific customer group. -
The rule takes action when a user (owner/admin/agent) picks up an incoming call (incoming call started). The rule is not triggered while the call is only ringing.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to TAG the call (ticket) if the customer belongs to a specific customer group. -
The rule takes action when a user (owner/admin/agent) or a customer adds a message (responses) to the ticket/chat. The rule is not triggered if the message is added by the system.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to notify every user (owner/admin/agent) if a prioritized ticket gets a new response from the customer. -
The rule takes action when any message group is added to any ticket including system messages, internal messages, agent responses, etc... With such a rule it is recommended to define a condition on "message group type".
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to be notified a ticket has been deleted by any agent or admin. -
The rule takes action when the status of an outgoing email changes to sending, sent, scheduled or failed.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to notify every admin of the system if an email failed to be sent. -
The rule takes action if the number of waiting customers in the chat/call/tickets queue changes.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to notify every agent if the queue exceeds a defined value. -
The rule takes action when a new ticket is created (from all channels: email, chat, chat invitation, contact form, FB, Twitter, etc...). The rule is triggered also if an agent/admin sends email from the panel (creates a new ticket).
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to automatically TAG a ticket if it is created from a specific communication channel. -
The rule takes action when a new email is received (a new ticket is created). The rule is not triggered if an agent/admin sends email from the panel (creates a new ticket) or if the ticket is created from a different channel such as Facebook, Twitter, contact form, etc...
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to automatically transfer or delete a ticket if it is received from a specific sender email address. -
The rule takes action if any ticket relation is created (ticket is mentioned/merged/split).
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to be notified if some tickets have been merged. -
The rule takes action when the status of a ticket (Answered, Calling, Chatting, Spam, Deleted, New, Open, Resolved, Postponed) is changed.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you don't wish to let agents to resolve a ticket without adding a specific TAG. -
The rule takes action if a TAG is added or removed from any ticket.
Use Case Example:
Let's say you wish to automatically transfer, postpone or resolve a ticket if a specific TAG is added. -
The rule takes action when a ticket is transfered to another department or assigned to any user (agent, admin, owner).
Use Case Example:
Let's say you don't wish to let agents to transfer a ticket without adding a specific TAG. -
List of rule conditions -
General rule conditions available for all rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to limit the rule in such a way, that only the action of a specific agent (initiator) can trigger it. It is also possible to define a specific agent who did not initiate the action in order to trigger the rule as it is shown in the below example.
Using this condition, you are able to define the required status of the agent assigned to the ticket in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to define the required value of any context variable (system or custom).
Using this condition, you are able to define the contact widget (chat button, contact form, invitation, etc...) the ticket should be created from in order to trigger the rule. This condition is used mainly with the Ticket Created trigger.
Using this condition, you are able to define an exact date or date range/ranges (by adding a new condition/condition group) in which the rule should be triggered.
Using this condition, you are able to define specific day/days when the rule should be triggered.
Using this condition, you are able to define an exact time or time range/ranges (by adding a new condition/condition group) in which the rule should be triggered.
Using this condition, you are able to define the required value of any of your custom fields.
Using this condition, you are able to choose to which group should or should not the customer (requester of the ticket) belong in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the IP address (or range) of the visitor (requester of the ticket).
Using this condition, you are able to specify what should or should not be included in the last response (customer´s or agent´s) in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to define what should be the role of the action (Apply When) initiator.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the requester of the ticket - customer contact.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the company the customer should be assigned with, in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to define the required geolocation of the ticket requester.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the ticket relation (assignment) with agents.
Using this condition, it is possible to defined the timerange in which the ticket has or had to be changed (any action that generates a system message) in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, it is possible to defined the timerange in which the ticket has or had to be created in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, it is possible to defined the timerange in which the ticket has or had to be deleted in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the department where the ticket should or should not be assigned in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to specify ticket´s priority. It is possible to choose between several priority levels - The highest priority: 64; The lowest priority: 1/64
Using this condition, you are able to define the required SLA level of a ticket.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the required source of the ticket (communication/support channel) in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify the URL where the customer requested a ticket/chat/call (embeded forms such as contact forms, chat/call/invitation buttons, etc...)
Using this condition, you are able to specify the required ticket status in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the required ticket subject in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify which TAGs should or should not be added to the ticket in order to trigger the rule.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Agent rated rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to specify the required type of the rating (positive or negative). Refused or neutral ratings are excluded from this condition since they do not trigger the Agent rated rule trigger.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Incoming call started rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify the phone number the call should be initiated from (Customer's Number) in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify the phone number that should be called (Your Support Number) in order to trigger the rule.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Message added rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to define the type of the message that was added (for example if it was an incoming or outgoing message). Detailed description of all message group types can be found here.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Message group added rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to define the type of the message that was added (for example if it was an incoming or outgoing message). Detailed description of all message group types can be found here.
Using this condition, you are able to define what should be the role of the action initiator.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Outbox mail status changed rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to define when should the outbox record be created.
Using this condition, you are able to define when should the outbox record be scheduled.
Using this condition, you are able to define the required status of the outbox record.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the number of send attempts.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the required time of the last send attempt.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify TO recipients of the outbox record.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify CC recipients of the outbox record.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify BCC recipients of the outbox record.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly define what should or should not be included in the subject of the outbox record.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify what should or should not be included in the error response.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Queue length changed rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to specify the required queue length for tickets in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the required queue length for chats in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to specify the required queue length for calls in order to trigger the rule.
Using this conditions, you are able to reduce the rule to a specific department only.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Ticket created from email rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify what should or should not be included this field in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify what should or should not be included this field in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify what should or should not be included this field in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify what should or should not be included this field in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify what should or should not be included this field in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify what should or should not be included this field in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to fully or partly specify what should or should not be included this field in order to trigger the rule.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Ticket relation created rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to specify the type of relation (ticket mentioned, merged, split) that should trigger the rule.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Ticket status changed rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to specify what should be the new ticket status (status after the last action - answer, transfer, etc...) in order to trigger the rule.
Using this condition, you are able to specify what should be the old ticket status (status before the last action - answer, transfer, etc...) in order to trigger the rule.
Additional rule conditions -
Available for Ticket tags changed rule triggers
Using this condition, you are able to specify which tag should be added or removed in order to trigger the rule. It is Not possible to compose an AND statement with the Ticket Tag condition (TAG1 added AND TAG2 removed), however, it is possible to compose an OR statement (TAG1 added OR TAG2 removed). Use the Add Condition Group option in order to create an OR statement.
List of rule actions -
This action fills your custom ticket or contact field with an exact value or any value from the context that matches your regular expression.
This actions adds a pre-defined note (and/or pre-defined attachment) to a ticket that meets the rule's conditions.
This action adds chosen tag or tags if the ticket meets the rule's conditions.
This action adds/removes the requester (customer) into/from a defined customer group.
Using this action you are able to affect the execution of futher rules (regardless of the trigger category).
This action changes the SLA level of the ticket.
This action increases or decreases the priority of a ticket if the rule's condition is met. It is possible to choose between several priority levels - The highest priority: 64; The lowest priority: 1/64
This action changes the subject of the ticket to a pre-defined value if the ticket meets rule conditions.
This action deletes all call regordings from the ticket that meets rule's conditions.
This action deletes the chosen custom field value of the ticket that meets rule's conditions.
This action changes the ticket status to deleted.
This action sends a pre-defined HTTP request if the ticket meets rule's conditions. It is possible to defined the postback/callback URL, HTTP Method, HTTP Header, HTTP Body, and Encoding. You also able to include available variables.
This action marks the ticket as answered.
This action marks the ticket as spam.
This action reopens a ticket marked as spam.
This action merges the ticket that meets rule's conditions into a pre-defined ticket. You are able to merger also both tickets' tags and/or participants.
This action modifies the list of ticket participants. It is possible to add/remove specific TO, CC or BCC contacts to/from the list of participants.
This action postpones the ticket by a pre-defined amount of time. It is possible choose between default postpone values or define a custom postpone time. Furthermore, you are able to add a note and/or an attachment.
This action purges a ticket (irreversible action) if it meets rule conditions, and prevent from executing other rules for this run.
This action removes a chosen tag or tags form the ticket.
This action changes the ticket status to open.
This action changes the ticket status to resolved.
This action sends an automatic response/answer to the all ticket participants of the ticket. In most of the cases, this action is used with the Ticket Created or Ticket Created From Email trigger. For more details regarding this action, please, visit the following article. You are able to add an attachment and/or variable, and define the From Name, Subject and the Message of this response. Furthermore, you are able to compose the response as a simple plain-text email or an advanced HTML-based email. We recommend checking the Keep ticket state option to keep the ticket opened for your agents!
This action sends an email to a recipient (requester, admins, other email address, etc...). In most of the cases, this action is used with the Ticket Created or Ticket Created From Email trigger. For more details regarding this action, please, visit the following article. You are able to add an attachment and/or variable, and define the From, TO, CC and BCC mail accounts, Subject and the email Body. Furthermore, you are able to compose the response as a simple plain-text email or an advanced HTML-based email. We Do Not recommend using this action for you auto-responder rule to prevent from looping!
This action triggers a visual notification. It is possible to define recipients of this notification, the type of the notification and also the message including variables.
This action is only available with connected Slack account and it sends a message to a chosen slack user or channel.
This action stops further/upcoming rules, but only within the same trigger category. So, for example, if this action is triggered by the Ticket Tags Changed, it won't stop other rules with a different trigger, but only upcoming rules within the same trigger. Double-check the position of this particular rule within the same trigger category (list of rules) in order to stop the rule execution in the correct moment.
This action transfers the ticket that meets rule conditions to a pre-defined department and/or assigns the ticket to a pre-defined user (agent, admin, owner). It is possible to defined a transfer note and/or add an attachment. The Keep Ticket Status option prevents from changing the status to Open, so the ticket status remains the same.
This action changes the status of a ticket from Deleted to Open.
Additional rule actions -
Available for Chat started rule triggers
This action is available only for the Chat started trigger and it sends an automatic initial message (after the Welcome message defined in the chat button's configuration) once the ringing chat is picked up.
Additional rule actions -
Available for Incoming call started rule triggers
This action is available only for the Incoming Call Started trigger and it replaces the default IVR script with the one defined in this action. Therefore, the default IVR won't be used if the ticket meets rule's condition.
Additional rule actions -
Available for Ticket created from email rule triggers
This action is only available with the Ticket Created From Email trigger and it forwards the ticket to a pre-defined email address from a chosen mail account.
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