Agent Accounts Creation and Configuration Overview

Agents are support team members who interact with your customers to resolve their queries or issues, but, depending on their competencies and workload, can also supervise, configure, and manage the system. Agents' accounts can be created, configured, and deleted from the Configuration > Agents section.

Creating agent account

To create a new agent, navigate to Configuration > Agents and click on the "Create agent" button. Enter at least the mandatory fields and click on "Create". A registration email containing the link to set up the agent's password will be sent to the agent's email address.

The Registration email template can be adjusted in Configuration > Email > Agent templates.

  • Photo (Optional) - Profile picture of the agent, displayed to other agents or to customers in chat widgets and customer portal forums. If not set up, a colored circle with the agent's username initial will be automatically generated.
  • Name (Mandatory) - Full name of the agent.
  • Alias (Optional) - A custom nickname that will be displayed instead of the agent's name to customers in widgets and customer portal forums. Find more about aliases in this article.
  • Email (Mandatory) - The email address of the agent, used as the agent's login username and email address for agent email notifications.
  • Role (Mandatory) - Role attributed to the agent's account. There are 3 default roles - Agent, Admin, and Owner. Customers on the Large or Enterprise plan can additionally create multiple custom roles with various permissions.

Once an agent's account is created, it can be configured further.

Configuring agent account

Once an agent's account is created, there are the following configuration sections in the agent's profile:


In this agent profile section, you can activate and set up email or Slack notifications used to notify agents who are offline from their panels when a ticket is assigned to them, when a customer replies to a ticket that is assigned to them, or when a new ticket is created in a department they are members of. Find more about agent notifications in this article.


In this section, you can assign the agent to departments in which the agent should solve tickets and pick up live chats and phone calls. If the agent is not assigned to a department, he would not be able to see tickets from that department, and neither pick up live chats or calls. Additionally, in this section, it is possible to allow the agent to change his department assignment status by himself, and force the agent to be able to reply to tickets only via the To solve button instead of opening tickets directly from the Tickets grid.

Tickets, Chats, and Calls

In these profile sections, it is possible to set up the agent's availability status for the given services and define whether the agent is allowed to solve tickets via the To solve button, pick up chats, or receive & make calls in each department separately. The agent needs to be at first assigned to a department before it will be possible to set the agent as active for the mentioned services in the department.

The Chats section is available only if the Chat feature is available for your plan and enabled in Configuration > Chat. Similarly, the Calls section is available only if the Call feature is available and enabled in Configuration > Call.


In this profile section, you can define the general agent's plain text signature, or set up a different signature for each department. This signature can be automatically populated into ticket answers by using the {$agentSignature} variable in your email templates. For HTML signatures, check this article instead.


In this agent profile section, you can configure the following additional advanced settings:

  • Max chat load - the maximum amount of chat slots of the agent. This setting defines how many active chats the agent can have at the same time. Chats recognized as inactive based on the "Inactivity time" setting in Configuration > Chat > Chat settings will release their slot for next chat.
  • Chatting Priority - priority based on which chats are routed to the agent, applicable only if the "Chat routing" setting in Configuration > Chat > Chat settings is set to "Max utilization" or "Average utilization. Chats are routed to agents with the highest priority (lowest number) before agents with the lowest priority (highest number). The priority of each agent can be also set up in bulk in Configuration > Chat > Chat settings.
  • Agent panel theme - option to select the bright or dark theme for the agent's panel.
  • Level - the a gent's level, attributed by the Gamification feature based on the agent's performance.


This profile section is available only if the Sound configuration feature is available and activated in Configuration > System > Plugins. In this section, agents can customize or mute the alert sounds that are triggered by certain actions within the LiveAgent panel.

Performance report

This profile section displays the performance of the agent, logging various actions performed by the agent. All metrics available for the performance report are described in this article, but some of the parameters are available just for the global performance report, not in this agent-specific performance report. For more information, check this article.

Authorized applications

This section displays whether the agent is logged in in the LivePhone Android/iOS application and allows disconnecting it from the agent's account.
