Filters & Reports

Export ticket to PDF/HTML file

How to export a ticket to PDF or HTML file To export a ticket, click on the little arrow next to the ticket ID in the ticket menu on the right side, and there you will find two options: Export to HTML and Export to PDF. Here is a visual example of exported file content: Notice: For security reasons inline images from tickets are not added to the exported HTML. Requirements for customers with standalone installations Customers with cloud based accounts have this feature availab...

Live chat tracking plugin

Live Chat Tracking plugin allows you to execute tracking JavaScript functions when any of the following events occur: - when chat is started - when chat is ended - when agent's message was added - when customer's message was added It can work with multiple tracking tools and 3rd party applications, for example Google Analytics. The JavaScript library of the tracking tool must be included in the web page, where chat button integration code is placed. So, in the case of Google Anal...

How to export data from LiveAgent

Besides the CSV export option available in some of the sections of the agent panel, there are two ways how we can approach the export of your data from LiveAgent. - Export the tickets using API - Create the DB dump Export the tickets using API You could use API to export the data yourself, e.g. this API v3 call will give you 10 tickets per page and will allow you to set the time range when the tickets were created to define which tickets you would like to export. Once the page with the specif...

