Tickets and Contacts Searching

Utilizing the Search field in the Tickets list or [Contacts]([Companies]( lists you can search for specific keywords or phrases in tickets' contact details, tickets' content, [ticket field]( values, contacts' names, or [contact field]( values. In addition to the simpl...

Ticket filters

Ticket filters can be used as a saved quick search query to locate tickets within your LiveAgent account. Filters can be defined as "conditions, rules, or requirements" that can be applied to a search query, so only tickets that match those conditions appear in your search results when you want to e.g. see all tickets assigned to yourself or all tickets tagged with a specific tag ( Although the Ticket filters can be used as the main w...

Global ticket filter

Let´s say that you as the owner of your LiveAgent system want to define default ticket filters for all or specific agents. This way you can ensure that your agents will always have a clear ticket overview. Configuration steps Step 1: Go to Configuration --> System --> Ticket filters --> Add filter Step 2: Think over which tickets should be filtered. In our example we are trying to filter all open tickets created by email where a particular agent was participated. Name the filter "Par...