Managing LiveAgent Grids Views

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Every grid on the LiveAgent panel comes with a preset view that shows an assortment of data. You can customize the default view of any grid to either display more columns or hide some. Also, for every grid, you can save multiple views for easy switching based on the agent's requirements. Additionally, you can sort records in grids in an ascending or descending manner based on various metrics.

The grid views are agent-specific. Each agent can only manage his own views.

Modifying the view of a grid

To modify your current view of a grid, hover your cursor over any column name in the grid to display an arrow button at the end of the selected column. Click on this arrow button to open a pop-up menu and select "Columns". In the Columns sub-menu, choose which grid columns you want to show or hide.

If you want to rearrange the position of columns within the grid, simply drag the desired column header and drop it wherever you want it to be.

To change the order in which records are sorted within the grid, simply click on the header of the column you want to sort by, or alternatively hover over it to display the already mentioned arrow button, and in the pop-up menu select either "Sort Ascending by" or "Sort Descending by". You can only sort records in the grid based on metrics with arrows before their column names. Clicking on the header of a column you're already sorting records by multiple times toggles the sorting direction (ascending/descending).

Creating a new grid view

Apart from modifying your current grid view, you can also create multiple views for quick switching between them. To create a new grid view, hover your cursor over any column name in the grid to display an arrow button at the end of the selected column. Click on this arrow button to open a pop-up menu and select "Views". In the Views sub-menu, click on "Manage views".

In the Manage views pop-up window, enter the name of your new view and click "Add view". The new grid view will be added to the list below. After creating your new views, close the Manage views window.

To apply your newly created view, hover over any column name again, click on the arrow button at the end of the selected column to open the pop-up menu, and select "Views". All your created views will be available in the Views sub-menu. After selecting a newly created view, it will have all available columns displayed. Adjust your selected grid view according to the steps mentioned earlier.

Each grid view can be sorted by a different column.
