Management of Department Members, their Roles, & Responsibilities

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For agents to see, interact with, and solve tickets, they should be assigned to the appropriate departments. To manage the agents assigned to a specific department, navigate to Configuration > Departments, click on the department of which members you want to manage, and click the "Change" button in the "Members and roles" section.

In the "Department members" section, you can add members to the chosen department, adjust their roles within the department, or remove them from it.

Adding a member to a department

To add a member to a department, click on the "Add member" button. Then, select the agents you want to add to the department and click "Add".

Once you click the "Add" button, the chosen agents will be added to the department. In the following "Set new role" window, you can assign a department role for the newly added members. If no role is specified, the agents will not have a special role within the department and they will have all the privileges given to them by their agent role.

Department roles overview

Each user with the default Agent or Custom agent role can also have a special department role that modifies their permissions for that department. Users with the Admin or Owner role cannot have a limited department role as they always have full access to all departments.

There are 4 department roles available:

  • Reader - A user with this role is able only to read tickets in the department.
  • Solver - A user with this role can read, solve, and manage tickets in the department. This role has the same permissions as the global default Agent role.
  • Supervisor - A user with this role, in addition to previous roles permissions, can also purge tickets and manage members' services availability (work allocation) in the department.
  • Manager - A user with this role, in addition to previous roles permissions, can also manage members in the department, their roles, and edit the department's email templates.

Users can also be without a special role in a department. In this case, the agent's global role permissions will be applied also for that department.

The department roles are superior to the global Agent or Custom agent role, for example:

  • a user with the global default Agent role can have the department Manager role, allowing them to add, manage, or remove agents in the given department,
  • a user with the global default Agent role can have the department Reader role, limiting them to only view tickets in the given department, without the ability to answer or manage them,
  • a user with the global Custom agent role with revoked permissions to create and reply to tickets can have the department Solver role, allowing them to create and reply to tickets just in the specific department.

Changing the role of a department member

To change the department role of any member, click on the selected member. To change the role of multiple department members in bulk, select the members by checking the checkboxes and click the "Change role" button.

Removing members from a department

To remove a member from a department, select the checkbox next to the member's name, click the "Remove members" button, and confirm the action.

Allocating department members to services

Once users are added to departments, you can manage their allocation to messaging (to solve), chatting, and calling services. To manage the service availability of selected department members, navigate to Configuration > Departments, click on the department you wish to manage, and select the "Manage work allocators" button in the "Members and roles" section.

In the Work allocators window, you can control each member's availability for each service. Agents with the Reader department role cannot be allocated to any service as they cannot create, answer, and manage tickets in the selected department.

The lockpad icon indicates that the agent is not allowed to change their own service availability due to the "Allow user change status in department" setting being turned off in the agent's profile Departments section. Only supervisors, managers or admins can change their service availability.
