Ticket status refers to the different stages a ticket goes through. In LiveAgent there are the following statuses available:
The New status is assigned to a newly created ticket from an email (not evaluated as spam), a contact form, a social media and messaging apps message, an unanswered call, or a missed chat (if not set otherwise in Configuration > Chat > Chat settings > State of missed chats).
From the New status, a ticket can progress to Answered, Postponed, Resolved, Deleted, and Spam status.
A ticket is given the Answered status once it has been replied by an agent, or marked as answered manually, via mass action or rule action. Also, tickets created from chats and calls can get to the Answered status after the chat/call ends, depending on the "State after chat ends" setting in Configuration > Chat > Chat settings/"State after call ends" setting in Configuration > Call > Settings.
From the Answered status, a ticket can progress to Postponed, Open, Resolved, Deleted, and Spam status.
This status is attributed to a ticket that was postponed by an agent manually using the Postpone ticket action, or via mass action or rule action "postpone ticket". Postponed tickets are changed to Open status once the postponed time has elapsed. An exception is made for New tickets, which are reverted back to New status. Postponed tickets can be also reopened, resolved, closed and deleted, or marked as spam manually, via mass actions, or rule actions.
From the Postponed status, a ticket can progress to New, Open, Resolved, Deleted, and Spam status.
A ticket changes its status to Open when a customer replies to an answered, postponed, or resolved ticket (if the "Reopen Resolved Ticket" setting in Configuration > System > General is active). The status can be changed to Open also manually by agents, via mass action or rule actions or when the postponed time has elapsed on a ticket.
From the Open status, a ticket can progress to Answered, Postponed, Resolved, Deleted, and Spam status.
A ticket gets to the Resolved status once an agent resolves it manually, or via the "resolve ticket" mass action or rule action. Also, tickets created from chats and calls can get to the Resolved status after the chat/call ends, depending on the "State after chat ends" setting in Configuration > Chat > Chat settings/"State after call ends" setting in Configuration > Call > Settings.
From the Resolved status, a ticket can progress to Closed, Deleted, Answered, Postponed, and Open status.
The Closed status permanently closes a ticket and prevents any further actions on it like replying to it, fetching new messages into it, changing its status, transferring or assigning it, or adding a note to it. The only allowed actions are changing the ticket's tags and custom fields. Only tickets in Resolved status can be closed, and tickets can be closed manually by an agent and via mass action or rule action (close and delete ticket).
Resolved tickets are being automatically marked as Closed after time defined in Configuration > System > General, where you can define "Closed resolved tickets after" to value between 7-365.
From the Closed status, a ticket can get only to Deleted status.
A ticket can be deleted manually by an agent, or via the "close and delete ticket" mass action or rule action. Only Closed tickets can be deleted, and performing the "close and delete" action on a ticket automatically closes it as well. Additionally, tickets created from missed chats without any contact information and message can be created in the Deleted status, depending on the "State of missed chats" setting in Configuration > Chat > Chat settings. Tickets in the Deleted status are not by default displayed in the Tickets grid, to show also deleted tickets it is needed to use a ticket filter.
From the Deleted status, a ticket can return only to the Closed status.
A ticket can be marked as spam manually by an agent, or via the "mark as spam" mass action or rule action. Additionally, an email message that would create a new ticket evaluated by the SpamAssassin feature as spam creates the ticket in Spam status as well. Tickets in the Spam status are not by default displayed in the Tickets grid, to show also spam tickets it is needed to use a ticket filter.
From the Spam status, a ticket can return to New, Answered, or Open status, depending on its previous status before being marked as spam.
This status is attributed to a ticket in which an ongoing chat between a visitor and an agent takes place. A ticket is in this status only once an agent picks up a ringing chat request, but not while the customer is waiting in the chat queue. A ticket can be created in this status, or get to this status when visitors start a chat from a ticket from the customer portal (if allowed).
From the Chatting status, a ticket can progress to Answered or Resolved status when the chat ends (depending on the "State after chat ends" setting in Configuration > Chat > Chat settings"), or additionally to the Open status if the ticket was assigned to an agent during the chat.
This status is attributed to a ticket in which an ongoing call between a visitor and an agent takes place. A ticket is in this status only once an agent picks up a ringing call request, but not while the customer is waiting in the call queue or is in IVR steps. A ticket can be created in this status, or get to this status when agents call customers from an existing ticket.
From the Calling status, a ticket can progress to Answered or Resolved status (depending on the "State after call ends" setting in Configuration > Call > Settings"), or additionally to the Open status if the ticket was assigned to an agent during the call.
Changing tickets status
To change the status of a ticket, select either a manual action from the ticket's actions panel, execute a mass action over selected tickets from the Tickets list, or set up a rule (Configuration > Automation > Rules) or time rule (Configuration > Automation > Time rules).
Tickets statuses history
The history of all statuses through which a ticket went through is noted in each ticket in the ticket's details section in the Ticket history section. The complete overview of status history of all tickets is also available in Reports > Ticket history. The Ticket history section logs a new record not only on status change action, but also on transfer or assign actions.