Inability to Transfer or Assign Ongoing Chats & Calls since version

If you are unsure about the version of your LiveAgent account, see this guide to retrieve the version number.

After an extended and thorough investigation we've decided to disable the "transfer ticket" rule action for rules that are executed during ongoing chats or calls as these were causing periodical issues with stuck or incorrectly hung up chats and calls. This step was required to avoid several issues caused by the action that could not be resolved from the agent panel and required unwanted intervention in the account's database by our development team. Due to this change, rules that are triggered when a chat starts, incoming call starts, or a chat/call source ticket is created cannot be transferred and the transfer action is not applied, including the action to assign a ticket to the agent who opened the ticket/picked up the chat or call.

Required action

If you are using rules with triggers "ticket created", "chat started", or "incoming call started" to transfer them to other departments or assign them to agents, we recommend reviewing these rules and changing their triggers and conditions to work correctly. If you would like to discuss a proper way how to update your rules do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Recommended change in rules assigning chats or calls to agents

In case of rules that are assigning tickets to agents who pick up chats or calls, it is recommended to change the trigger of such rules to e.g. "ticket status changed" and add conditions "old status - chatting and/or calling" and "new status - open, answered, resolved" to the rule. After applying the change picked up chats or calls won't be assigned to agents right after they pick up them up, but after the chat/call ends instead. The intended action to assign the chat/call ticket to the agent who picked it up although remains the same.

If agents need to transfer ongoing chats to another  department they shall use the Transfer chat management action.

Recommended change in rules transfering calls to other departments

In case of rules that are transferring calls to other departments e.g. at specific time, it is recommended to change the action of such rules to "change IVR" and define the transfer action in IVR command.

If agents need to transfer ongoing calls to another department they shall use the Transfer call management action.
