The Multi Knowledgebase plugin in LiveAgent allows you to manage multiple knowledgebases across different domains using a single LiveAgent account.

Each knowledgebase is unique, with its own settings, content, and design, allowing you to create separate knowledgebases for different products, services, or languages. For example, both the LiveAgent knowledgebase and the Post Affiliate Pro knowledgebase are managed through a single LiveAgent installation.


Before you can create a second knowledgebase you need to go to Configuration->System->Plugins section of your LiveAgent admin panel and make sure that the Multi Knowledgebase plugin is listed there and is active:


Once the plugin is active, navigate to the Customer Portal section of your panel. You will notice a new interface that allows you to create additional customer portals. Keep in mind that each new customer portal incurs an additional charge as per the pricing plan.


When you click the button to create a customer portal, a window will appear prompting you to name your new knowledgebase. This internal name helps you and your agents identify the knowledgebase's purpose.


After clicking "Create", the configuration for your new knowledgebase will open. Begin by addressing the red warning indicating that the domain for this knowledgebase has not been configured yet.


This action opens a new popup where you'll need to configure the domain for your new knowledgebase. We will cover each aspect of this configuration in the section below the screenshot.

  • Domain parked on lets you specify how the domain will connect to your LiveAgent installation:
    • your LiveAgent account and with your own TLS certificate option points your domain to your LiveAgent account via a CNAME DNS record and using your own TLS certificate. Most customers choose this option. If selected, you must purchase an SSL certificate for the domain and enter its details in the TLS/SSL key and TLS/SSL Certificate fields, including the full certificate chain/bundle.
    • your own hosting space option uses a ProxyPass configuration on another server where the domain is hosted.
  • Domain specifies the domain where the new knowledgebase will be accessible.
  • Directory allows you to set a directory or folder for the knowledgebase, enabling multiple customer portals or knowledgebases on the same domain but in different folders (e.g.,, This field is optional, so you can leave it blank if the knowledgebase should be available directly under
  • Integration instructions provides guidance on how to proceed with the domain configuration on your end.


After specifying all the details and clicking "Save", a background process will start in our cloud to set up the new knowledgebase within our infrastructure. This usually completes in under five minutes, after which your knowledgebase should become accessible. If you've used the CNAME DNS record option, it will only be accessible once the DNS record is propagated. Note that the configuration screen may still display "Domain is not correctly integrated" until the DNS is fully propagated (this can take up to 24 hours).


Once the domain for the knowledgebase is fully configured, you can continue with its setup by following this article.


If you need to remove a knowledgebase you've created, navigate to the Customer Portal -> Overview section and click the recycle bin icon next to the knowledgebase you wish to delete. You can only delete the knowledgebases you've created; the default knowledgebase cannot be deleted.
