You can face some problems or errors while integrating or using our Twilio WhatsApp integration. We've listed the most common issues for you:
Various issues can be also investigated in Twilio logs (Monitor > Logs > Errors) where more elaborate error messages, supposed causes, and possible solutions might be noted. While investigating the logs, check WhatsApp errors by their codes in this and this FB articles.
Configuration error: Failed to send the message using Twilio.
This error might indicate several issues, for example, you've tried to send a WhatsApp template that is not approved or does not exist in your Twilio account. Make sure that your template exists in your Twilio console and is approved, and synchronize your templates. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to contact our support team for further investigation.
Not receiving new messages
If your WhatsApp number is connected to your LiveAgent account and active but is not fetching new WhatsApp messages, please double-check the WhatsApp sender in the Twilio console. If the sender is missing or has an incorrect Webhook URL for incoming messages or Status callback URL set up, you won't be able to receive new messages.
Do not forget to replace with your real LiveAgent account URL.
All messages sent to you while the Webhook URL for incoming messages and Status callback URL are missing or wrong are lost and won't be additionally fetched after fixing the URLs.
Invalid recipient
This error is displayed in a WhatsApp ticket when the recipient is not correct or the selected phone number does not have a WhatsApp account.