Re-integrating Email Accounts after Host or Port Changes

In certain situations, e.g. when you migrate your email addresses to another provider, the connection details of your connected email accounts may change. In LiveAgent, it is possible to update only the password of connected email accounts. Any changes to the username, hostname, or port will require that the email account be removed, both as an outgoing and incoming email account, and re-integrated from the start. We've prepared for you a to-do list to make the re-integrating process as seamless as possible.

Keep in mind that prompt response to changes in your email connection credentials will help to prevent difficulties with your connected email accounts and eliminate the risk of stuck unsent emails.

Re-integrating an Incoming Email Account

If you have to change the username, hostname, or port of a connected incoming email account, you will need to delete and re-integrate it. This process has no serious consequences. Deleting an incoming email account doesn't result in the loss of tickets or messages that are already in your LiveAgent account. Once you have re-integrated the incoming email account, the system will not fetch older emails that were already fetched before or generate duplicate tickets/messages, as the message IDs of already fetched emails are stored in the database and checked for duplicity. If any emails were sent to the email address during the re-integration process, you can fetch these to LiveAgent by selecting the "Fetch all existing emails in the mailbox" option while you're re-integrating the email account.

Re-integrating an Outgoing Email Account

Similar to the incoming email account, if you need to change the username, hostname, or port of a connected outgoing email account, it will need to be deleted and re-integrated. However, doing this for an outgoing email account could have some consequences. Deleting an outgoing email account will:

  • Remove it as the default sender for incoming email accounts,
  • Remove it from all departments where it is set either as a pre-selected email account, available email account, or email account from which notifications are sent,
  • Remove it from all rules where it is used for sending emails.

Moreover, if there are any unsent emails scheduled to be sent from the outgoing email account when you delete it, those will fail to be sent.

To avoid issues when re-integrating an outgoing email account, follow the next steps:

  1. If possible, schedule the migration of your email account/change of the connection details outside of your business hours so there will be as few agents as possible to minimise space for error caused by agents sending emails from the outgoing email account that is about to be deleted.
  2. Inform all agents to not send any emails from the outgoing email account, as it will be deleted soon.
  3. Navigate to Configuration > Email > Incoming Email Accounts, check each of the incoming email accounts, and note down every account that has the outgoing email account you are about to delete set as the default sender.

  4. Navigate to Configuration > Departments, check each department, and take note of every department where the outgoing email account you are about to delete is set either as the notification email address, pre-selected email account, or available email account.

  5. Navigate to Configuration > Automation > Rules, search for rules that include the "Send mail" action, and note down all rules that send mail from the outgoing email account you are about to delete.

  6. Similarly, navigate to Configuration > Automation > Time Rules, search for rules that include the "Send mail" action, and note down all rules that send mail from the outgoing email account you are about to delete.
  7. Navigate to Configuration > Tools > Mail outbox, and check if there are any unsent emails scheduled to be sent from the outgoing email account you are about to delete. If there are some scheduled emails and the email account is still able to send them (the connection credentials were not changed yet), wait for all emails to be sent. If there are some scheduled emails but the email account can't send them anymore, note down all these emails as they will need to be manually re-sent after deleting and re-integrating the outgoing email account.

  8. Go to Configuration > Email > Outgoing Email Accounts and finally delete the selected outgoing email account.
  9. Still in the Outgoing Email Accounts section, click on "Integrate new email account" and re-integrate your email address.
  10. Send a test email from the re-integrated outgoing email account to ensure it is able to send emails correctly.
  11. Set the re-integrated outgoing email account as an email account in the settings of your connected incoming email accounts, departments, or rules according to the notes you made in steps 3.-6.