Twitter account integration

To be able to integrate your LiveAgent account with Twitter, you will first need to have a Twitter developer account for access to the Twitter API v2, and create a Twitter application. Twitter application creation is described in this guide.

By connecting your Twitter and LiveAgent accounts, you’re able to monitor and respond to Tweets and comments. Tweets are converted into tickets in LiveAgent.

Once you have your Twitter app set up & ready, to begin the integration process, go to Configuration > Twitter > Twitter accounts in your LiveAgent account and select "Add Twitter account".

A window will pop up prompting you to sign into your Twitter account. After entering your Twitter username and password, click on "Authorize app". The window will be automatically closed after authentication.

Your Twitter account will now be connected to your LiveAgent account and you will be able to create new Tweets directly from your LiveAgent panel.

To start also fetching Tweets and comments and be able to reply to them, click on the Edit button (pencil icon), and enable the "If checked, LiveAgent will read tweets and turn them into tickets" option.

This feature requires a paid Twitter plan, as the free plan does not offer access to the Search Tweets feature.

In addition to your own Tweets and Tweets mentioning your Twitter account, you can define specific parameters for the additional Tweets you want to track. By clicking on "Add new query", you can customize which Tweets you want to be turned into tickets.

All available queries and combinations are listed in this article.

Queries fetching own Tweets and Tweets mentioning your Twitter account are mandatory and cannot be removed.

Commonly used queries

Query Fetched Tweets
twitter search Tweets containing both "twitter" and "search"
"happy hour" Tweets containing the exact phrase "happy hour"
love OR hate Tweets containing either "love", or "hate", or both
beer -root Tweets containing "beer" but not "root"
#haiku Tweets containing the hashtag "haiku"
from:LiveAgent Tweets sent from the user @LiveAgent
to:LiveAgent Tweets sent to the user @LiveAgent
@LiveAgent Tweets mentioning @LiveAgent
superhero since:2011-05-09 Tweets containing "superhero" and sent since date "2011-05-09" (year-month-day)
helpdesk until:2011-05-09 Tweets containing "helpdesk" and sent before the date "2011-05-09".
hilarious filter: links Tweets containing "hilarious" and with a URL