Modifying language translations and adding new custom translations

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In LiveAgent, you can customize translations for each language, or create new custom translations for use in widgets or the customer portal. To modify or create language translations, go to Configuration > Languages, select the language you want to edit by clicking on the Edit button (Pencil icon) in the Actions column, and navigate to the Translations tab.

Modifying existing default translations

Default translations are pre-set language translations used in the LiveAgent panel, such as names of sections, buttons, etc. Default translations can be customized for your LiveAgent account, but cannot be added or deleted. A customized default translation is considered a custom translation. Deleting a customized default translation will return the translation to its default state.

To customize a default translation, use the Search function to find the word or phrase you want to modify, and click on the Edit button (Pencil icon) in the Action column. Adjust the translation and save it by clicking on the Save button in the Edit translation window.

Customers are welcome to help us translate new languages or improve available language translations for everyone, and in return, receive account credit as compensation. For more information, please check this article.


Changes are displayed after refreshing the page with the LiveAgent panel.

Creating new custom translations

You can create custom translations for use in your contact widgets or customer portal to automatically translate your own custom source messages. Any text enclosed by translation marks ## will be considered a source message, and if its translation is added to the language translations, it will be automatically translated. Custom translations can be added, modified, and removed.

To add a new custom translation click on the Add custom translation button located above the list of translations. Define both the Source message and its Translation. After clicking Create, a new translation is added to your language translations.

Please note that language translations are case sensitive, so the text you add between ## ## has to exactly match the entered message source of the new translation.

You can use the source message enclosed by translation marks ## in elements like your custom footer in your customer portal, to automatically translate its items to the preferred language of the customer's browser.


Deleting custom language translations

Individual custom language translations can be deleted from the Translations section in the language's settings, or all at once using the Delete button available for the language in Configuration > System > Languages in the Actions column. This option does not delete the entire language, only its custom translations. If the language translations haven't been modified, the button won't be visible.
