Where can I find the API v3 documentation?

You can find whole LiveAgent API documentation within your LiveAgent account: 

You can also navigate into your agent panel > Configuration > System > API > API V3 DOCUMENTATION

How can I try LiveAgent API v3 with my account?

Within the documentation, you can find examples and use the possibility to test the API commands with your account.

  1. Consider registering a new free Trial account for testing purposes, before using API with your live account.
  2. Generate API key for APIv3: https://support.liveagent.com/741982-API-key
  3. Authorize the LiveAgent API on https://YOURDOMAIN.ladesk.com/docs/api/v3/#/ and add scopes you need for the API to work:

  4. Choose the object (agents, tickets, .) & method (get, post, delete) and press the "Try it out" button

  5. Fill the required parameters, press the "execute" button & see the results


There are limits related to API and API keys. Here you can find more info. 
APIv1 REST API documentation can be found here.

