To filter the retrieved list of tickets it is possible to use only the filters which are available in the agent panel.
Some filters, e.g. {"subject":"order"} work slightly differently than expected. Instead of searching for "subject equals order" it searches for "subject contains order", so it would find all tickets containing the word "order" in subject, e.g. tickets with the subject "Order #123", "Order #456", or even "Order-inquiry".
It is also possible to use the search parameter to do a full text search on tickets, the same way as when searching in the agent panel, e.g. _filters={"search":"order"} or _filters=[["search","L","invoice"]]. The search parameter looks for the requested value in ticket's owner's details, subject, body, and custom fields.
See the list with the description of the available operators and date ranges in this article.
Parameters id, code, owner_email, owner_name, last_activity_public, and public_access_urlcode cannot be used for filtering.
Available filters for GET /tickets API v3 | ||
Parameter | Available operators | Example use |
status | E IN NI | {"status":"C"} [["status","E","C"]] [["status",IN","N,C"]] [["status","NI","L,X,B"]] |
tags | E L CY NI IE INE | [["tags","E","fqr2,25pr"]] [["tags","L","fqr2,25pr"]] [["tags","CY","fqr2,25pr"]] [["tags","NI","fqr2,25pr"]] [["tags","IE",""]] [["tags","INE",""]] |
channel_type | E IN | {"channel_type":"E"} [["channel_type","E","E"]] [["channel_type","IN","V,1"]] |
subject | E IN | {"subject":"invoice"} [["subject","E","invoice"]] [["subject","IN","shipping,invoice"]] |
owner_contactid | E IN | {"owner_contactid":"gv6dy7vk"} [["owner_contactid","E","gv6dy7vk"]] [["owner_contactid","IN","gv6dy7vk,upz575s4"]] |
agentid | IN | [["agentid","IN","54jhzz7z"]] |
departmentid | E IN NI | {"departmentid":"default"} [["departmentid","E","zbmc7d61"]] [["departmentid","IN","default,zbmc7d61"]] [["departmentid","NI","default"]] |
date_created | D> D< D>= D<= DP | [["date_created","D>","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_created","D<","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_created","D>=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_created","D<=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_created","DP","Y"]] |
date_changed | D> D< D>= D<= DP | [["date_changed","D>","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_changed","D<","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_changed","D>=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_changed","D<=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_changed","DP","Y"]] |
date_resolved | D> D< D>= D<= DP | [["date_resolved","D>","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_resolved","D<","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_resolved","D>=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_resolved","D<=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["date_resolved","DP","Y"]] |
last_activity | D> D< D>= D<= DP | [["last_activity","D>","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["last_activity","D<","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["last_activity","D>=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["last_activity","D<=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["last_activity","DP","Y"]] |
Custom fields | E NE L NL | [["field_player_id","E","007"]] [["field_player_id","NE","007"]] [["field_player_id","L","007"]] [["field_player_id","NL","007"]] |
There are also additional parameters usable for filtering tickets list results, despite they are not returned in the API request response.
Additional filters available for GET /tickets API v3 | |||
Condition description | Parameter | Available operators | Example use |
Date when any message was added | m_datecreated | D> D< D>= D<= DP | [["m_datecreated","D>","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["m_datecreated","D<","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["m_datecreated","D>=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["m_datecreated","D<=","2025-01-01 00:0:00"]] [["m_datecreated","DP","Y"]] |
Message added by agent(s) | m_userid | IN | [["m_userid","IN","54jhzz7z,20fdjyq0"]] |
Attributed SLA level | sla_levelid | E NE IE INE | [["sla_levelid","E","phgeo2ot"]] [["sla_levelid","NE","phgeo2ot"]] [["sla_levelid","IE",""]] [["sla_levelid","INE",""]] |
Ticket owner's customer group | groups | L | [["groups","L","9q8l"]] |
Suggestion category | s_category | IN | [["s_category","IN","39"]] |
Forum category | f_category | IN | [["f_category","IN","41"]] |