GeoIP feature possible issues

You can face some issues and see errors in the browser's console while setting up the GeoIP plugin. We've listed the most common issues for you. If some of the errors/issues are not listed here, feel free to check this article or contact us, and we will investigate it as soon as possible.

Error: "This page can't load Google Maps correctly."
Solution: Billing for your Google Cloud Project is not enabled. Open your Google Cloud Platform Console, navigate to the Billing section, and enable the billing.


Error in LiveAgent: "Oops! Something went wrong. This page didn't load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details."
Error in browser's console: "ReferrerNotAllowedMapError"
Solution: Your Google API key is restricted, but your LiveAgent domain is not allowed to use the key. Open your Google Cloud Platform Console, navigate to the APIs & Services > Credentials section, edit your API key and add your LiveAgent domain to the "Website restrictions" items.

Double-check if there aren't typos in the domain inserted.


Issue: Clicking on the map point icon displays only map of the word but not the exact location
Solution: Geocoding API is not enabled. Open your Google Cloud Platform Console, navigate to the APIs & Services > Library, search for and enable the "Geocoding API".
