High performance tweaks

High performance requirements

If someone wishes to provide support to an enormously large customer base, he needs to have an app. more than 50 agents (https://www.liveagent.com/features/agents/), the recommended server specs are as follows: APPLICATION (WEB) SERVER CONFIGURATION - Processor: Intel Dual Xeon E5-2620 Hexa Core (Romley) 2.0Ghz per Core - RAM: 32-64GB DDR3 SDRAM MYSQL DATABASE SERVER CONFIGURATION - Processor: Intel Dual Xeon E5-2620 Hexa Core (Romley) 2.0Ghz per Core - RAM: 32GB DDR3 S...

Update kernel and all server packages

Attackers often use old well-known bugs to compromise your server infrastructure. To make sure your server is not running on old packages, you should periodically update all packages. Even when you buy a new server from any hosting company, it is built with quite old OS packages and therefore first thing after the order should be to update all server packages to make sure you are running the most up to date and stable components. On Centos operating system you can do it by calling command: yu...

Install Elasticsearch

Why use Elasticsearch? Elasticsearch will help you to maximize the speed of full-text search in tickets, contacts and knowledgebase articles. Fulltext search in big Mysql database can overpower your DB for few minutes. With Elasticsearch, you will get the same results in milliseconds. How to install Elasticsearch Please install Elasticsearch version 7.16.1 or higher but lower than version 8. This applies to current LiveAgent version, older LiveAgent versions worked with Elasticsearch 6.x....

Nginx configuration

For better performance, we suggest using Nginx as a reverse proxy for terminating SSL connections and with help of push-stream module (https://github.com/wandenberg/nginx-push-stream-module) to speed-up overall application (chat and agent panel) performance. Step 1: Install Nginx If you want to use Nginx only for SSL termination just install it with your usual distribution installation tool. For example on centos, you could use yum install nginx Then don't forget to enable it on server star...

Varnish configuration

LiveAgent (https://www.liveagent.com/) contains a huge number of static files, which can be served much faster-using Varnish service as with standard web server like Apache. Often we've seen performance boosts in range of 10x up to 100x of Apache speed on the same hardware. It is worth to spend few minutes with Varnish configuration. Some examples of static files: images (logo, icons), HTML of the live chat window, javascript files, etc. With Varnish we will not replace the Apache functionali...


LiveAgent is able to use Redis for storing several frequently accessed data types (sessions, settings cache). It helps to take some of the load off of the database, and improves overall responsiveness of the application. All you need to do is install Redis, and point LiveAgent to Redis' location, and LiveAgent will start using it. The LiveAgent application server needs [phpredis](https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/tree/develop?tab=readme-ov-file#installation) PHP extension. You can check if ...

How to speed up the background tasks' execution using parallel cron processes

LiveAgent background tasks are executed by jobs.php started by cron. Even if you set cron to execute jobs.php every minute, the interval might still be too long for some operations (e.g. mass actions). Fortunately, the background tasks are thread-safe and it is possible to run jobs.php in parallel by adding multiple cron entries. If however you just add the same entries multiple times to crontab, all the jobs.php processes would start at the same moment. A better solution is to start 1 jobs.ph...