Update & migration

Updating LiveAgent

Before updating LiveAgent it is a good idea to check the changelog here (https://dev.ladesk.com/all/) and also to make sure that your server still meets the minimum system requirements here (https://support.liveagent.com/127000-LiveAgent-Requirements). Versions lower than 5.14 must be updated to an intermediary version (5.14 - 5.23) before you can proceed with update to the latest version. Read more here (https://support.liveagent.com/057855-Not-possible-to-update-standalone-versions-below-514)...

Required intermediate update step of installations below versions 5.14 and 5.38

If your LiveAgent installation is running on version 5.38 or above you are safe and no intermediate step is required before updating to the latest available version. Due to significant changes to the product code and update process of standalone installations, customers with standalone installations on older versions have to perform an intermediate update step instead of updating their LiveAgent installation to the latest version directly. We highly recommend migrating (https://support.liveage...

Migrating standalone version of LiveAgent to cloud

Using the cloud version of LiveAgent is much more convenient for you, the end customer, as you get automatic lifetime updates, and there is also no need to secure and maintain your own server infrastructure. Therefore, every single request from the customer is very pleasing to us, as this situation is a win-win for both parties. So, how does the process look like? What you should prepare for? Pre-requirements: Before the migration itself, it is necessary to realize that migration cannot be car...

[SK] Migrácia stiahnuteľnej verzie LiveAgenta do cloudu

Používanie cloudovej verzie nášho softvéru LiveAgent je pre konečného zákazníka omnoho výhodnejšie, nakoľko získava doživotné automatické aktualizácie a navyše odpadá potreba zabezpečiť a udržiavať vlastné serverové vybavenie. Preto nás každá jedna žiadosť zo strany zákazníka nesmierne teší, keďže táto situácie je „win-win“ pre obe strany. Aký je teda postup migrácie inštalácie z vlastného riešenia do nášho cloudu? Čo to všetko obnáša? Pred samotnou migráciou je potrebne si uvedomiť skutočnosť,...

Moving the installation of LiveAgent to another domain or directory

Important notice: LiveAgent can be moved to another domain or directory just 2 times ! If you reach this limit, your license will be invalidated. How to move the installation of LiveAgent: 1. You can move all the files to the new location (or rename the directory where LiveAgent is installed). 2. If your database server doesn't change, you don't need to change anything in concerning the database. If the database server changes with the domain too (e.g. moving installation to another serv...

Make LiveAgent listen on different port or fix licensing issues

Standalone customers might sometime need to change the server name / domain name which LiveAgent recognizes. This server name is used in license checks and in construction of some software side URL addresses. If for example your LiveAgent is installed at www.example.com but the licensing server recognizes the installation as being installed at www.example.com:123 or you wish to achieve the opposite and make LiveAgent work on www.example.com:123 then you'll need to change the way how server name...

Installer Error: Failed to execute SQL when updating from LiveAgent 5.9.5

If you run into error "Failed to execute SQL" when updating LiveAgent, and installer is stuck on version 5.9.5, then your DB tables most probably have incorrect storage engine and / or incorrect collation. LiveAgent requires that all database tables use InnoDB storage engine (except for qu_la_conversations_search which uses MyISAM), and database and all tables and columns use collation utf8_general_ci (except for some specific columns changed by application to utf8mb4_general_ci, utf8mb4_bin and...