Pre-chat form

How to hide attachments in the pre-chat form

Even though there is no option to hide the attachments section by default, you are able to hide it using Custom CSS. To do so, navigate to Configuration > Chat > Chat buttons > Edit your chat button and open Pre-chat form > Design. Now scroll down to the "Custom CSS" section and add the following CSS code: .MessageFormFilesWrapper, .MessageArea .DragAndDropFileUploadView { display: none !important; } Do not forget to APPLY the CSS code and SAVE the design.

How to display your logo in the Material or Rotary pre-chat form

Even though there is no option to change the header image for Material or Rotary pre-chat form designs by default, you are able to display your own logo instead using Custom CSS. To do so, navigate to Configuration > Chat > Chat buttons > Edit your button and upload your logo in the "Pre-chat form" tab. Then in the "Design" tab scroll down to the "Custom CSS" section and insert the following CSS code: For Material use .ContactHeader:before, .ContactHeader:after { content: normal; ...

How to add Business Hours to your pre-chat form

Even though there is no default option to display business hours in your pre-chat form, you are able to add them using custom fields. To do so, navigate to Configuration > Chat > Chat buttons > Edit your chat button. In the Pre-chat > Fields tab click the Add Field option and then Create Field. Follow the screenshot below: Click Create to save your field. The content can be adjusted by clicking Description. Feel free to use our pre-defined business hours template: <style>...

How to hide the RememberMe checkbox

Even though there is no default option to hide the RememberMe checkbox from the pre-chat form, you are able to hide it using Custom CSS. To do so, navigate to Configuration > Chat > Chat buttons > Edit your chat button. In the Pre-chat form > Design tab scroll down to the "Custom CSS" section and add the following CSS code: #rememberMePanel { display: none !important; } Do not forget to APPLY the CSS code and SAVE the form.

How to set custom background for pre-chat form

Even though there is no option to use your own image as the pre-chat form background by default, you are able to achieve this requirement using Custom CSS. To do so, navigate to Configuration > Chat > Chat buttons > Edit your chat button and open Pre-chat form > Design. Now scroll down to the "Custom CSS" section and add the following CSS code: For Material & Ascent use .spaceShadow { background-image: url(*dP81IJq-tGFxy1rIK3RYsg.png) !importan...

GDPR: Placing Consent Acceptance in Chat

LiveAgent is committed to privacy, security, compliance and transparency. This approach includes supporting our customers’ compliance with EU data protection requirements, including those set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), which becomes enforceable on May 25, 2018. Processing your customers’ data One of the requirements of GDPR is your obligation to inform your customers that you and/or a 3rd party processor will gather their personal data. When providing customer s...

Contact form listbox fields

Sometimes you need Listbox fields without a default value on your contact form, so the customer has to pick one option from the Listbox instead of using a default value. This can be useful if you need to find out some specific information from customers like a version of your product, the color of a specific product, etc… This guide shows you how to set up a Listbox on your contact form. 1. navigate to Configuration > Contact form and choose one of the options to create a [contact form butt...