Tickets and Contacts Searching

Utilizing the Search field in the Tickets list or Contacts/Companies lists you can search for specific keywords or phrases in tickets' contact details, tickets' content, ticket field values, contacts' names, or contact field values. In addition to the simple search, for more refined searches you can also use special search operators.

Basic Search

To search for all tickets that contain the selected word or phrase in their ticket owner's contact details, subject, body of any ticket's message, or any ticket's field value, navigate in the menu to Tickets and type the given word or phrase into the Search field.

Similarly, to search for all contacts or companies that contain the selected word or phrase in their name, email address, or any contact's field value, navigate in the menu to Customers > Contacts/Companies and type the given word or phrase into the Search field.

Advanced Search

For more specific searches, you can use Elasticsearch query string syntax operators. The query supports the following operators:

Please note that the search is applied to contact details, subject, body of any ticket's message, or any contact's/ticket's field value separately, therefore searching for order + -shipped to search for tickets that contain the word "order" but not the word "shipped" would still return tickets displayed on the next two screenshots below as they still contain the searched word "order" in the subject or ticket owner email address.

  • Operator +

This operator signifies AND operation. For instance, searching for order + shipped will return only tickets that include both the words "order" and "shipped".

Operator -

This operator signifies AND operation. For example, searching for order + -shipped will return tickets that contain the word "order" but do not contain the word "shipped".

  • Operator |

This operator signifies OR operation. For example, searching for payment | information returns tickets that include the words "payment" or "information".

  • Operator "

This operator wraps a number of tokens to signify a phrase for searching. For example, search for "delivery date" to find only tickets that contain the exact phrase "delivery date".

  • Operator *

This operator at the end of a term signifies a prefix query. For instance, searching for info* returns tickets that contain the word or phrase starting with "info", followed by any amount of characters.

  • Operators ( and )

These operators signify precedence. For example, search for (order + shipped") | delivery to find tickets that contain both the words "order" and "shipped", or the word "delivery".

  • Operator ~N after a word

This operator signifies edit distance (fuzziness), where N defines the maximum number of changes in the searched string. For instance, searching for confirmation~1 will return tickets that contain the word "confirmation" and accept a typo in the form of a slight change in the word such as an added, removed, or changed letter, or a switch in the position of a letter.

  • Operator ~N after a phrase

This operator signifies the slop amount, where N defines the number of tokens. For example, searching for "delivery time"~2 returns tickets that contain the exact phrase "delivery time" with up to 2 words in between.

  • Preceding backlash \

To use one of the characters used as operators literally in your search, escape it with a preceding backslash \. For instance, searching for \"MC\" will return customers that contain "MC" in their name.
