Example registration form

Here is the most simple example of the registration form (screenshot): _ Example notes: * configuration options are in the js/lasignup.js file * you need at least insert your affiliate ID (and optionally channelId) - assigned to you in Quality Unit affiliate program * you can choose if the user will be redirected after signup to his newly created account on the same page or new page will be opened for him * you can choose the default language for newly created account ZI...

Get all reseller accounts info

Here is an example of how you can get info about all your hosted accounts: And here is an example which will bring you results in XML: Example response in XML should look like this:

How to create new reseller account using REST api

Here is an example call in PHP: Here is example response in XML: Notice field account_status in received response - it indicates status of newly created account. For more info about available statuses here check out full api info (https://support.qualityunit.com/528264-Complete-API-reference#e5f5f76e26eaa166c9d96f787f2f2d11). Now if you have URL notifications enabled and pointed to valid URL, you should receive XML notification like this: Now you have to wait u...

How to upgrade/downgrade an account using REST api

Here is how you can change some account variation: After this you should receive URL XML notification (if configured in your reseller account):

How to get basic account info

Here is how you can get basic account info: An example answer should look like this:

How to get list of addons on owned license

Here we have PHP code that will get addons list for some owned license: And here is example XML response: Please note: you can get only list of addons for owned license with this call! To get list of addons for hosted account you need to use this call (https://support.qualityunit.com/528264-Complete-API-reference#df7dd7fa2c0c4508dc0b85bb987b920a).

How to add/remove addon to/from owned license

First, you need to get a list of active addons via this call (https://support.qualityunit.com/701321-How-to-get-list-of-addons-on-owned-license). Now you have to decide which addon you want to remove/disable. You can address each addon using _addon license_ code. In this example, we'll try to disable one plugin changing its status to refunded: _ After receiving "200 - OK" successful answer you're done. If you set addon validity to past, the customer won't be able to use it anymore. ...

How to change owned license parameter

Here is PHP example how you can change some license parameter: _ There are few restrictions here you must know: - you can only read attribute of owned license with this call - you can only read some predefined license attributes, currently: max_agents - you can only read some attributes for some products as defined bellow Check out answer format in full restApi specification (https://support.qualityunit.com/528264-Complete-API-reference#e3e9ef56c7029d7c4813d93de579974d). How to ...

Addons list

LiveAgent addons Geo IP (id: 2197ba24) Agent ranking (id: 5b4d2b0e) Rules (id: b878a9ae) Tags (id: e6096144) Pro-active Invitations (id: 57ce05c7) Branding free (id: dfa8525e) Facebook (id: d8b0e2cd) Twitter (id: f2e5ac23) Gamification (id: c4b63bec) Ldap (id: b5b892a0)